[Agora Deposit] O 12:2: Olive Tree Well

Olive Tree Well at 92/ΙΘ. Cleanly cut, with footholds at northeast and southwest sides ... 7th c. B.C. to first quarter of 6th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E-F 12-14: Building Fill in B'

Fillings in and to the north of Building A/Poros Building/Greek Building ("Strategeion"), the accumulation mostly a late archaic dump, but not deposited till near the middle of the century. Most of the ... First half of 5th c. to ca. 460-450 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H 8-10: Fillings

Investigations in the Hellenistic Metroon, various levels. Stoa Pits A, B, C, D, E, F, H and I (various layers). Locations include: SW corner of Primitive Bouleuterion; from contemporary filling alongside ... 8th-6th c. B.C.


[Agora Object] P 21712: Black Figure Pyxis or Bowl Fragment

Small piece from the rim of a pyxis or bowl. Rim turns sharply inward; flanged as for lid. Outside, head of a long-necked bird; hook spirals. Dull glaze inside. Red on top of the rim. Fill over bedrock, ... 6 June 1951