[Agora Lot] ΞΞ 123: Brown House; Layer 5b

Black glaze and coarse ... Late 5th-Early 4th B.C ... Late 5th-Early 4th B.C.

[Corinth Lot] LOT 1555: Below Room C, fill over bothros 14

pottery from bothros 14 thrown, late 13th c. AD ... NB254 B1 P123

[Corinth Lot] LOT 1261: FT along wall 13 in Room C

Just below Turkish floor, 6th and 7th c. AD and Ottoman ... NB254 B4 P123

[Corinth Lot] LOT 1394: South area

Robbing trench. 1/2 5th with one 6th c. amphora ... NB262 B1 P123

[Corinth Lot] LOT 0781: East of Kenchreai Road (pi delta to pi epsilon)

Dated to the second half of the 12th c. AD ... NB230 B4 P123

[Corinth Lot] LOT 3430: Building M-N:19: packing for northwest couch

Properly, dating of packing should be 3rd q. 5th c. unless this is a repair. Unless also took off surface of couch which might have had late pottery in it (NB) Original stratum: LT: Area Gamma. Cut 26:1965 ... Properly, dating of packing should be 3rd q. 5th c. unless this is a repair.