[Agora Deposit] K 6:3: Mudbrick Pithos

Pithos at NE corner of Byzantine Building. Coins: 20 May 1938 #1, #3 ... Late 11th-Early 12th c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] K 6:4: Pit

Found while cleaning wall running east-west over 57. Contained late glazed pottery ... Byzantine

[Agora Deposit] K 6-7:1

Hellenistic fill at 48-53/ΙΒ-ΙΓ. (now K 7:1) Asterisk: K 6-7:1*

[Agora Deposit] K 7:1: Hellenistic Fill

Hellenistic fill, north of Temple of Ares, on either side of wall running east-west over 50/ΙΓ. Mostly coarse pottery including many stamped amphora handles. Cf. also nb. P XII, pp. 2297-2298. Coins: 13 ... 275-200 B.C.