 B 13:3Drawshaft1-8 June 1937 
 B 13:4Cistern and Draw Shaft3 April -1 June 1936 
 B 13:5Well1 June 1936 19-27 April 1937 
 B 13:6Well17 April-5 June 1936 
 B 13:7Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios20 May 1936-20 May 1937 
 B 13:7.1Dump  
 B 13:7.2Well deposit  
 B 13:7.3Dump  
 B 13:7.4Dump  
 B 13:7.5Bottom fill  
 B 13:8Well South of Kolonos Agoraios4 June 1936 March-May 1937 
 B 13:8.1Dump  
 B 13:8.2POU Well Deposit  
 B 14:1Well29 May 1936 30 March-15 May 1937 
 B 14:1.1Dump  
 B 14:1.2Upper well deposit  
 B 14:1.3Lower well deposit  
 B 14:2Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios12 June 1936 23 April 1937 
 B 14:2.1Dumped fill  
 B 14:2.2POU to bottom