[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2012 by Rachel McCleery/Sarah Miller (2012-04-03 to 2012-04-20): Excavations in Nezi Field, NW area, Session 1 2012

Rachel McCleery/Sarah Miller Nezi Field Excavations N: 1015.90 N, S: 1006.90 N, E: 264.20 E, W: 255.50 E April 3-20, 2012 This is a summary of the first session of excavation (April 3-20) in 2012 in the ... place in the southeast, 2 to ... three 2nd c. AD coins ... 672). 2) Excavation of the

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Larkin Kennedy and Jody Cundy (2014-05-06 to 2014-06-27): Sessions 2-3 of 2014: Church Nave, Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter

N-S 1074.64-1071.50; E-W 125.50-122.70 Session 2-3 Final Report, June 27, 2014 This is the final report of the second and third sessions during the 2014 excavations in the church nave in Unit 2 of the ... Sessions 2-3 of 2014: Church Nave, Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Sitz, Anna and Katz, Philip (2015-06-02 to 2015-06-26): Unit 2, Room 9: later half of thirteenth century and earlier cistern; Unit 2, Room 6: Frankish burials and 13th century surfaces

Session III Unit 2, Room 9 N: 1086.73, S: 1079.10, E: 132.85, W: 126.83 Unit 2, Room 6 N: 1085.00, S: 1077.00, E: 120.70, W: 116.85 This is the final summary of the third excavation session for 2015 in ... Unit 2, Room 9 N: 1086.73, S: 1079.10, E: 132.85, W: 126.83 Unit 2 ... Unit 2