[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Tyranny


Tyranny As happened in many other Greek states, a tyrant arose in Athens in the 6th century B.C. His name was Peisistratos, and after several unsuccessful attempts he seized power in 546 B.C. and ruled ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Speakers


The Speakers Litigants spoke on their own behalf, although occasionally using speeches prepared by trained professionals; skillful rhetoric was necessary in order to sway a jury. The speeches written by ... Moralia 844) No trial took more ... Athens, Agora Museum P 2084 ... about 6.4 liters, which takes

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Ekklesia


The Ekklesia (Citizens' Assembly) All Athenian citizens had the right to attend and vote in the Ekklesia, a full popular assembly which met about every 10 days. All decrees (psephismata) were ratified ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Democracy from the Past to the Future


Democracy from the Past to the Future Searching for models for the new government they were creating, America's Founding Fathers studied both the democracy of Athens and the republic of Rome, but they ... Federalist, No. LIV; by Alexander ... Federalist, No. LXIII; by Alexander ... support of a 6-year term for