Ω-8-10 (pp. 1411-1412)House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Fills a and b
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Well at 66-67/ΚΔ; to -1.20
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6;
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Pre-Heruli; Above Floor Level; Fill c
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Above Floor; Fill d
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Below Fills b and d; at West
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Fill e; on Floor
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Broken Bedrock Fill Below Floor Level; Fill 2 at East
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Broken Bedrock Fill Below Floor Level; Fill f
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Disturbed Fill on Line of East Wall
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Fill Covering Wall l
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Below Floor at 64/ΚΣΤ
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Against Bedrock Scarp at West
House D; Classical House; Classical and Hellenistic Sherds from Disturbed Fills; Room 6; Holes etc.
Second half of 5th B.C.
Late Roman
4th B.C.
Late 5th B.C.
Geometric-5th B.C.
Early 5th B.C.
Third quarter of 5th B.C.
6th-5th B.C.
2nd half of 5th B.C.
Β-7-18 (pp. 1209-1210)Section B; 1934 Pottery Containers
Miscellaneous Pottery Containers
Kolonos Agoraios; Foundation Trench for Wall around Office Property
Kolonos Agoraios; North Passage; Water Channel A 290; 2nd Basket
Late Roman
4th B.C.
Early Roman
Late Hellenistic