[Agora Deposit] M 23:1 BIS: Destroyed Tomb

Alison Frantz ... Vases from "Child's Grave" disturbed by the Late Hellenistic cistern. No remains. JP But see P 27110 ... Late Protogeometric/Early Geometric I ... But see P 27110.


[Agora Deposit] M 16-17:1: Pit Tomb, Adult Inhumation

Eugene Vanderpool ... Grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave II: SM). Unlined trench, roughly the size of the deceased, cut into bedrock to a depth of just over 1.50m. Oriented north-south, the tomb pit measured 1.69m in length (length ... Late Mycenaean/Submycenaean-Earliest Protogeometric ... Hesperia XIV, 1945, p. 301, no. 54 (AA 9).


[Agora Deposit] G 12:8: Inhumation of a Woman

Grave 7b in notebook. Inhumation in Tholos Cemetery; The skeleton positioned directly below the male in Grave 7, but with direction reversed, i.e., head at southeast end. Most grave offerings at lower ... 750-725 B.C ... reversed, i.e., head at southeast