[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Sarah Rous, Rebecca Worsham (2014-04-06 to 2014-04-25): Unit II, Room 6 and Room 8, Session I

Sarah Rous, Rebecca Worsham Session I Temple E Southeast Excavations N: 1087 N, S: 1075.25 N, E: 129 E, W: 116.5 E 6–25 April 2014 Introduction This is the final summary of the first session of excavation ... Unit II, Room 6 and Room 8, Session I

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2014 by Larkin Kennedy and Jody Cundy (2014-05-06 to 2014-06-27): Sessions 2-3 of 2014: Church Nave, Unit 2 of the Frankish Quarter

N-S 1074.64-1071.50; E-W 125.50-122.70 Session 2-3 Final Report, June 27, 2014 This is the final report of the second and third sessions during the 2014 excavations in the church nave in Unit 2 of the ... 835, B62, p. 111-112; burial ... occurred after the church was no ... outnumber faunal in 8out of 16