The Knickerbocker Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 63-65, figs. 87-92
The Hirschfield Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 36-40, fig. 25-29
The Late Geometric Lion Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 41, figs. 30-32
The Benaki Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 48-49, figs. 50-53
The Workshop of Amphora Athens 894
Athens 894
Cook, B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pp. 146
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 41-45, figs. 33-39
The Stathatou Hand
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 79-82, figs. 115-122
Brann R 5
The Painter of Amphora Athens 897
Athens 897
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 45-46, figs. 40-43
Brann Q 3
A group of small pots and terracotta objects
The Philadelphia painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 48, figs. 48-49
The Hydria Hand
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 82-83, figs. 123-126
 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
725 B.C.
Hirschfeld manner
Knickerbocker Workshop
Lion Painter
Benaki Painter
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
Vulture Painter
Amphora Athens 894
Payne, PK Vasen
Frankfort, Cylinder Seals, p. 313
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," passim
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 41-45, figs. 33-39
Young XII
Ohly, Goldbleche, p. 105
Hampe, Frühe griechische Sagenbilder, pp. 36-38, pls. 31-32
Willemsen, Ath. Mitt., LXIX-LXX, 1954-1955, pp. 15-32, Beil. 1-18
Matz, Gesch. Gr. Kunst, pl. 23
CVA Athens 1, p. 1, 9
Mon. Piot, XLIX, 1957, p. 25, fig. 12
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 98
B.C.H., LXXVII, 1953, pl. XXXIII, c
Athens 805
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. XXIV
Fragment of Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Εφ. Αρχ., 1953-1954, Part A, pl. III, 1 opp p. 168
Burr 77
Fragment of Open Pot; Late Geometric
Amphora Fragment; Dipylon Period
A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 193, fig. 8
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
Fragment of Cup; Late Geometric
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 24, inv. 789
A.J.A., LX, 1956, p. 41, pl. 28, fig. 12
CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 3, 1 and 3
Lion Painter
B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pp. 143ff., fig. 4 a, b
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 41, figs. 30-32
Jug; Late Geometric
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 77
Brann O 9
Fragment of Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
Brann L 20
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 36-40, figs. 25-29
Neck of Amphora, Late Geometric
Brann M 2
CVA Karlsruhe 1, p. 12, fig. 3
High-Rimmed Skyphos Bowl; Dipylon Period
Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pp. 330-331, pl. 104, b
Archaeology, II, 1949, p. 184
The Classical Journal, XLV, 1950, p. 360
Benaki Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 48-49, figs. 50-53
Spouted Krater; Late Geometric to Early Protoattic
Brann P 12
Hesperia, XXI, 1952, p. 85, pl. 29, c
 725 B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
750 B.C.
4th quarter of 8th B.C.
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," fig. 116, a-b
Stathatou Workshop
Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 228, figs. 22, 23
I.L.N., July 9, 1938, p. 59, 12-13
R. Lullies, Eine Sammlung griechischer Kleinkunst, Munich, 1955, pl. 10, 30
Analatos Group
Athens N.M. 19332
A.J.A., LXIV, 1960, p. 71, pl. 15
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 41, 1
Cook, B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 177
Mesogeia Painter
Hesperia, XIV, 1945, pl. V, 1
Neck Fragment of Hydria; Late Geometric
New York Nessos Amphora
J.H.S., XXXII, 1912, pl. XII
A.J.A., LIX, 1955, pl. 32
Délos, XVII, passim
B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, pp. 19-21, pl. 8, 4-5
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, p. 149, Beil. 3, e
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 82-83
Brock, Fortetsa, pl. 64, 1
M. Möbius, Jahrb., XLVIII, 1933
Fragment of Bowl; Protoattic
C. Decamps de Mertzenfeld, Ivoires phéniciens, Paris, 1954, pl. CXIX, no. 1059
CVA University of California 1, III H, pl. II
Graef, Akropolis Vasen, pl. 12, A-C
Ath. Mitt. LXIII, 1933, p. 99, fig. 41
Fragment of Lid; Protoattic
Ohly, Goldbleche, pl. 17
Burr 164
Wile Style
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 11
A. Akerström, Der geometrische Stil in Italien, Lund, 1943, p. 142, figs. 50-51
Fragments of Large Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
K. Kerenyi, Labyrinth-Studien, Zurich, 1950, pp. 34-35, 46, fig. 11
R. Eilmann, Labyrinthos, Athens, 1931, pp. 38ff.
Olpe; Early to Middle Protoattic
 700 B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
List of Attributions
Dipylon Geometric
The Dipylon Master
Davison, "Geometric Workshops,", pp. 22-28, figs. 1-9
The Dipylon Period
A tangent-circle and flutes group
Late Geometric
The Sub-Dipylon Hand
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 32, 65-73, figs. 93-102
 Mid 8th B.C.
Middle and 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
2nd and 3rd quarter of the 8th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
Gadrooned Jug; Geometric
Hahland, Corolla Curtius, Stuttgart, 1937, pp. 123ff.
Webster, B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 43ff.
Hampe, Grabfund, pp. 71ff.
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 112
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
Mon. Piot., XLIX, 1957, p. 34, fig. 17
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 41-45, 79-83, figs. 33-39, 115-126
B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pl. 19
Graef, Akropolis Vasen, pl. 10, 295
CVA Karlsruhe 1, pl. 3, 4
CVA Munich 3, pl. 111, 1 and 2
Ohly, Goldbleche, pl. 24
Fragmentary Saucer and Stand
CVA Leipzig 1, pl. 15, 1-3
Young XII 4
Neck of Amphora; Late Geometric
Young XV 1
Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 61-63, pl. 31
Knickerbocker Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 63-64, figs. 87-90
R. Hampe, Die Gleichnisse Homers und die Bildkunst seiner Zeit, Tübingen, 1952
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 115
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Late Geometric
T. B. L. Webster, "Tondo Composition in Archaic and Classical Greek Art," J.H.S., LIX, 1939, pp. 103ff.
Young B 18
D. B. Thompson, "The Charmed Circle," Archaeology, I, 1948, pp. 158ff., figs. 6, 14
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 115, pl. 116, inv. 819
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 119
Miniature Standed Cauldron; Late Geometric
Young XII 2
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 51, fig. 32
Prothesis Amphora; Late Geometric
Athens 810
Ath. Mitt., XVII, 1892, p. 226, fig. 10
Young XII 1
I.L.N., October 19, 1935, p. 648, fig. 1
Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 28, fig. 26
T. B. L. Webster, From Mycenae to Homer, pl. 23
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 168, note 5, p. 212
B.S.A., XLII, 1947, p. 146
Olympische Forschungen, III, p. 166
Olympische Forschungen, III, pls. 40 and 61
Fragmentary Spouted Krater; Late Geometric
Brann M 7
Cook, B.C.H., LXX, 1946, pp. 97ff.
Hampe, Sagenbilder, pl. 22
Sub-Dipylon Workshop
 725 B.C
3rd quarter of 8th B.C
Early Protoattic
The Analatos Painter
Cook, B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pp. 172-176
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 51-52, figs. 59-63
Hampe, Grabfund, pp. 77ff.
Burr 162
Brann F 10
The Mesogeia Painter
Cook, B.S.A., XXV, 1934-1935, pp. 176-178
Oxford Workshop
N. Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 49-51, figs. 54-58
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 79
Passas Painter
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 80
Vulture Painter
Transitional to Middle Protoattic
The Checkerboard Painter
Wild Style
Eilmann and Gebauer, CVA Berlin 1, p. 7
 Last quarter of 8th century and first quarter of 7th century B.C.
Late 8th and first quarter of 7th century B.C.
1st quarter of 7th B.C.
Early Protoattic Painting
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
Analatos Painter
Kirk., B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, p. 120
Hymettos amphora
CVA Berlin 1, pls. 43-44
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 45
PK Vasen
Frankfort, Cylinder Seals, p. 313
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 48
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, p. 136, figs. 17, a-c
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 49, fig. 30
Kunze, op. cit., p. 96, fig. 5
Jacobsthal, Greek Pins, p. 48, figs. 219-220
Dunbabin, Greeks and Eastern Neighbours, p. 22
Ohly, Goldbleche, p. 108ff.
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 77
Ohly, Goldbleche, passim
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 38ff., figs. 8, 11
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 38ff., figs. 10, 12, 13
J.H.S., LXXI, 1951, pls. XXXI-XXXII
Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 212, figs. 90-91
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 3, III H b, pl. 2, 11
CVA Munich 3, pl. 107, 2, a
Dipylon Master amphora
Running Dog Olpe; Late Geometric
Neck of Trefoil Oinochoe; Middle Geometric
Brann N 12
Workshop of Athens 897
Athens 897
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 47, fig. 46
Grazing Doe Olpe; Late Geometric
Brann N 11
Stathatou Hand
Workshop of Athens 894
Neck Fragment of Oinochoe; Subgeometric
Athens 894
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 79, fig. 117
CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 3, 1
Algemeene Gids
Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, 1956, pl. XVIII, 1221
Brann M 4
Hut Model; Late Geometric
Young C 149
Neck of Oinochoe; Dipylon Period
Young B 3
CVA Karlsruhe 1, pl. 4, 5-8
CVA Munich 3, pl. 129, 9
Athens 805
CVA Reading 1, pl. 8, 7, a, b
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 73-75, figs. 8, 103-106
M. Collignon and L. Couve, Catalogue des vases peints du Musée National d'Athènes, Paris, 1904, pl. XVI, 372
CVA Munich 3, pl. 112, 1-2
Neck of Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Miniature Skyphos; Late Geometric
Brann I 11
 750 B.C.
725 B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
4th quarter of 8th B.C.
Neck Fragment; Dipylon Period
Fragment of Skyphos; Late Geometric
Birdseed Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 55-62, figs. 72-84
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 59
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 129
CVA Munich 3, pl. 124
Fragment of Neck; Dipylon Period
Brann L 26
Handle Fragment; Late Geometric
Dipylon Circle
CVA Louvre 11, pl. 1, 7
Swan Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 78-79, figs. 112-114
Fragment of Krater; Late Geometric
Fragment of Pitcher; Late Geometric
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 76, inv. 1327
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 121
Fragment of Oinochoe; Late Geometric
CVA Munich 3, pl. 116, 2
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 97, inv. 376; pl. 116, inv. 1305
Fragments of a Jug; Late Geometric
Brann R 9
 7th-Early 6th B.C.
Latest 8th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
N Painter
Passas Painter
Vulture Painter
Cycladic Linear Group
Kerameikos Mug Group
Ram Jug Painter
Middle and Late Protoattic Painting
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 53, figs. 65-68
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 46
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 51, fig. 35
Hesperia, XXVII, 1958, p. 26, pls. 10-11
Cook, Greek Painted Pottery, pp. 104ff., 344-345
Matz, Gesch. Gr. Kunst., pls. 171ff.1
Matz, Gesch. Gr. Kunst., pl. 212
A.J.A., LIX, 1955, pl. 32
Painter of Amphora Athens 897
Athens 897
Athens 894
Stathatou Hand
Workshop of Athens 897
Boots: Hesperia, XVIII, 1949, p. 287, pl. 70, 22-23
Burr 6
Hampe, Grabfund, pp. 45ff.
Workshops of Athens 894
Analatos Painter
Arch. Anz., XLVIII, 1933, col. 271, figs. 6ff.
Polyphemos Painter
Ram Jug Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 79-82
A. Akerström, Der geometrische Stil in Italien, Upsala, 1943, p. 41, figs. 12, 2
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, pp. 161-162
Sub-Dipylon Workshop
Dipylon master
Sub-Dipylon Hand
Knickerbocker Workshop
Desborough, Protogeometric Pottery, pl. 3
CVA Louvre II, III H b, pl. 1
R. Hampe, Frühe griechische Sagenbilder, pp. 87-88
Hanfmann, A.J.A., LXI, 1957, pp. 71-72
Webster, B.S.A., L, 1955, pp. 38-50
Kirk, B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, p. 149
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig. 98
R. Hampe, Frühe griechische Sagenbilder, pp. 78-79
Beazley, Dev., p. 4
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 8
Athens 803
Athens 804
Ram Jug Painter
Dipylon Master
Analatos Painter
Painter of Athens 894
Athens 894
Sub-Dipylon Hand
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pp. 443-456
H. Marwitz, "Kreis und Figur," Jahrb., LXXIV, 1959, pp. 52-53
A. Roes, Greek Geometric Art, its Symbolism and its Origin, Oxford, 1933, pp. 16, 93 ff.
C. E. Guthe, Pueblo Pottery Making, New Haven, 1925, pp. 85ff.
Dunbabin, Greeks and Eastern Neighbors, p. 22
H. Frankfort, Cylinder Seals, London, 1939, plates, passim
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 73-75, figs. 8, 103-106
Early Analatos Painter
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 126
Lid; Middle to Late Geometric
Brann I 61
Fragmentary Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Brann Q 4
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 3, III H b, pl. 2, 10, b
Benaki Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 48, fig. 52
Fragment of Lid; Middle to Late Geometric
Fragments of Gadrooned Krater; Middle to Late Geometric
Brann I 62
Brann I 22
Fragmentary Gadrooned Skyphos; Middle to Late Geometric
Brann I 46
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 99
Athens N. M. 159
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 98
Met. Mus. Bull., VI, 1911, p. 35, fig. 13
A. Fairbanks, Catalogue of Greek and Etruscan Vases, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Cambridge, 1928, pl. 22, 271
Fragment of Painted Chariot; Middle to Late Geometric
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 49, pl. 59, inv. 775, pl. 69, inv. 418, pl. 85, inv. 258, pl. 104, inv. 802
CVA Copenhagen 2, III H, pl. 71, 6
CVA Munich 3, pl. 126, 1-2
Tapestry Hand
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 75-77, figs. 108-111
Young XII 24
Fragments of Krater; Middle to Late Geometric
Young C 105
Fragment of Krater; Late Geometric
 720 B.C.
725 B.C.
750 B.C.
Neck Fragment of Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Fragment of Bowl; Late Geometric
Brann I 12
Fragment of Krater; Late Geometric
Young B 66
Fragments of a Stand; Late Geometric
Young B 32
Philadelphia Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 48, figs. 48-49
Fragments of Krater; Late Geometric
Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 122, fig. 66, d
Fragment of Bowl; Early Protoattic
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 87, inv. 265
Olympische Forschungen, III, pl. 90
Athens 810
Ath. Mitt., XVII, 1892, pl. 10
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 185, note 2
Hampe, Grabfund, pl. 20
Kraiker, Aigina, pl. 43, no. 582
Payne, PK Vasen, pl. 17, 2
B.S.A., 1934-1935, pl. 52, f
Fragment of Ship Krater; Late Geometric
Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 122, fig. 66, c
Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 122, fig. 66, a
Sub-Dipylon Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig. 101
Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 623, fig. 90, no. 334
Brann P 13
Mon. Piot., XLIX, 1957, p. 25, fig. 12
 725 B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
1st quarter of 7th B.C.
700 B.C.
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," fig. 104
CVA Louvre 2, III H d, pl. 18, 2
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pp. 74-130
Ath. Mitt., XXVIII, 1903, Beil. V, 2
CVA Copenhagen 2, III H, pl. 74,6
Young XII, 1
CVA Athens 2, pl. 12
Olympische Forschungen, III, pl. 95
Ath. Mitt., XVII, 1892, pl. 10
B.S.A., XLVIII, 1953, pl. 66, no. 1050
Payne, PK Vasen, pl. 9, 4
Mylonas, Eleusis Amphora, pl. 8
Sw. Cypr. Exp., IV, 2, pl. XXXII, 7
B.S.A., XXXVII, 1936-1937, pl. 8, a
Payne, NC, pl. 27
Pfuhl, MuZ, III, p. 52, fig. 217
Banded Jug
S. Karouzou, The Amasis Painter, pls. 15, 16
Hesperia, XI, 1942, p. 6, fig. 5
Banded Pitcher
Young XIV, 1
Standed Kraters
 3rd quarter of 7th B.C.
Later 7th B.C.
Late 7th B.C.
4th quarter of 7th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
1st half of 7th B.C.
Geometric Amphora Fragment
Grave Group
Young C 134
Byvanck, Mnemosyne, XIII, 1947, p. 249
Young XVII
G. Nottbohm, Jahrb., LVIII, 1943, p. 2, M 1, fig. 1
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 22 and pp. 6-7
Chamoux, Rev. Arch., XXIII, 1945, pp. 54ff.
Young, fig. 73
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Dipylon
Hesperia XVII, 1948, p. 158, pl. 41, 1
Athens 804
CVA Athens 1, pl. 8
Fragments of Belly-Handled Amphora; Dipylon
Young XVII 19
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 110, grave 27
CVA Cambridge 1, III H, pl. 1, no. 22
CVA Athens 1, pl. 4
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. 22, 2 and 3
CVA Athens 1, pl. 7, 1
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. 23, 3
Trefoil Oinochoe; Dipylon
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 271, fig. 7
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 404, no. 1, pl. 89
Young XVII, 18
CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 5, 4
Pyxis and Lid
Young XVII 17
CVA Munich 3, pl. 112, 1 and 2
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 33, 73-75, figs. 8, 103-106
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 59
Arch. Anz., LXX, 1955, pp. 95-98, figs. 1-4
Ohly, Goldbleche, p. 116
Young XVII 7
 Mid 8th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
750 B.C.
E. Pottier, Vases antiques du Louvre, Paris, 1897, pl. 20, A 511
Olympische Forschungen, III, pl. 95
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Late Geometric
Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 241, fig. 14, 30
Young C 135
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. XXVI, 3
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Dipylon
Mon. Piot., XLIX, 1957, p. 28, fig. 13
Neck Fragment; Late Geometric
J. Brants, Beschrijving van de klassieke Verzemeling in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, The Hague, 1930, pl. VII
Sub-Dipylon Hand
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 66, fig. 94
Fragment of Large Closed Pot; Late Geometric
B.S.A., XII, 1905-1906, p. 87, fig. 7
Fragment of Belly-Handled Amphora; Middle Geometric
B.S.A., XLVII, 1952, pl. 3, A
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig. 101
CVA Musée Rodin, pl. 9, 3
CVA Athens 1, pl. 7, 3
Graef, Akropolis Vasen, pl. 10, 272
Fragment of Amphora; Middle Geometric
Young B 59
Athens, N.M. 18461
Sub-Dipylon Workshop
Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric
Young B 21
Burr 78
Matz, Gesch. Gr. Kunst, pl. 15, b
Athens, N.M. 812
Fragment of Amphora; Late Geometric
Burr 34
 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
6th B.C.
Early 8th B.C.
Kerameikos Mug Group
Brann S 19
Ram Jug Painter
Corinth, VII, i, nos. 107, 123
Johansen, V.S., pls. IX, 7
Eva T. H. Brann, "Protoattic Well Groups from the Athenian Agora," Hesperia, XXX, pp. 305-379
Kerameikos, V, 1, pp. 141ff.
J. L. Angel, Hesperia, Supplement II, p. 237
Eva T. H. Brann, "Late Geometric Well Groups from the Athenian Agora," Hesperia, XXX, pp. 93-146
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 130
Desborough, Protogeometric Pottery, p. 294
Dunbabin, B.S.A., XLV, 1950, p. 196, notes 9-12
Festschrift für Carl Weickert, Berlin, 1955
Kerameikos, VI, 1, p. 132
CVA Oxford IIIc, pl. 1, 18
Arch. Anz., LVIII, 1943, col. 418, figs. 44ff.
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
Athens 897
Pair Painter
Late Geometric Pottery
Dipylon Master
Athens 803
Athens 804
F. Poulsen, Die Dipylongräber und die Dipylonvasen, Leipzig, 1905, p. 10
A. Conze, Zur Geschichte der Anfänge griechischer Kunst, Vienna, 1873, p. 19
F. Willemsen, "Das Datum der sogenannten Steinerschen Bronze," Ath. Mitt., LXIX, 1954, pp. 12-32
F. Villard, "Une amphore géometrique attique au Musée du Louvre," Mon. Piot, XLIX, 1957, PP. 17FF
Jahrb., II, 1887, PP. 33-36;
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pp. 165-219
CVA Berlin 1, 1938, p. 7
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 130
Ath. Mitt., LXIX-LXX, 1954-1955, pp. 27-28
Kerameikos, V, 1, p. 175, note 160
Jahrb., LVIII, 1943, p. 13, fig. 7
Neck Fragment; Late Geometric
Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 260, fig. 16, no. 21
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, IV B, pl. 3, 12 a, b
Workshop of the Sub-Dipylon Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig. 97
Fragment of Jug; Late Geometric
Fragments of Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Benton, B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pp. 102ff., figs. 11-13, pls. 25-26
Benton, B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 25, 1
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 1, A 1
E. Langlotz, Würzburg, Munich, 1932, pl. 7, 80
CVA Athens 2, pl. 10, 1
R. Hampe and E. Simon, Griechisches Leben im Spiegel der Kunst, Mainz, 1959, opp. p. 3
Graef, Akropolis Vasen, pl. 10, 298
CVA Musée Rodin, pl. 9, 2
CVA Providence 1, pl. 8, 2
Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric
Antike Kunst, II, 1959, pp. 35ff., pl. 17, 1
CVA Copenhagen 2, pl. 74, 2-6
Shoulder Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric
Brann L 16
CVA Munich 3, pl. 125, 2
Athens N. M. 802
Beiträge zur klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, Festschrift Bernhard Schweitzer, Stuttgart, 1954, pls. 5-6
Knickerbocker Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 63-65, figs. 87-92
Fragment of Kotyle; Imitation of Early Protocorinthian
Fragment of Kantharos; Late Geometric
Hesperia, VI, 1937, p. 123, fig. 66, e
Brann P 19
Brann I 49
Fragment of Cup; Late Geometric
CVA Munich 3, pl. 120, 2 and 3
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 87, inv. 268
Εφ. Αρχ., 1898, p. 92, fig. 20
CVA Athens 2, pl. 14, 1
 725 B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
720 B.C.
Brann L 2
Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 191, figs. 48-51
Neck Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric
Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 194, fig. 57
Sub-Dipylon Painter
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig. 99
Benton, J.H.S., LXX, 1950, p. 21, pl. VI a, b, c
Fragmentary Krater; Early Protoattic
Oinochoe with Crossed Tubes
Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 26, figs. 23-24
A.J.A., XXXIX, 1935, p. 178, fig. 5
Arch. Anz., L, 1935, p. 167, fig. 3
J.H.S., LV, 1935, p. 149, fig. 2
I.L.N., Oct. 19, 1935, p. 648, fig. 3
R. Hampe, Frühe griechische Sagenbilder in Böotien, Athens, 1936, pp. 87-88, fig. 31
Young XIII 1
A.D. Frazer, "The Geometric Oinochoe with Crossed Tubes from the Athenian Agora," A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pp. 457-463, figs. 1-4
H.L. Lorimer, Homer and the Monuments, London, 1950, p. 320, pl. XXVI, 3
T. B. L. Webster, "Homer and Attic Geometric Vases," B.S.A., L, 1955, p. 40, fig. 1
T. J. Dunbabin, Greeks and Eastern Neighbours, p. 21, pl. III, 1
T. B. L. Webster, From Mycenae to Homer, pl. 25 a, b
The American Abroad, July, 1959, p. 41
Byvanck, Mnemosyne, XIII, 1947, p. 249
Willemsen, Ath. Mitt., LXIX, 1954, p. 26, Beil. 13
Bielefeld, Studies Presented to D. M. Robinson, II, p. 44
Athens N.M. 6178
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
CVA Berlin 1, pls. 43-44
Fragment of Krater; Late Geometric
Young C 108
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 79, fig. 119
Neck of Amphora; Sub-Dipylon
Iliad XI, 707ff.
Brann M 1
Hesperia, XXII, 1953, p. 39, pl. 18, a
 Late 8th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
725 B.C.
Dunbabin, Greeks and Eastern Neighbours
Davison, "Geometric Workshops", pp. 133-154
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 31
Howland, Agora 4
J. D. Beazley, The Development of Attic Black Figure, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1951
Eva T. H. Brann, "Protoattic Well Groups from the Athenian Agora," Hesperia, XXX, pp. 305-379
Eva T. H. Brann, "Late Geometric Well Groups from the Athenian Agora," Hesperia, XXX, pp. 93-146
Brann, E. "Late Geometric Graves from the Athenian Agora," Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 402-416
J. K. Brock, Fortetsa, Early Greek Tombs near Knossos, Cambridge, 1957
D. Burr, "A Geometric House and a Proto-Attic Votive Deposit," Hesperia, II, 1933, pp. 542-640
Cook., J. M., "Protoattic Pottery," B. S. A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pp. 165-219
Cook., J. M., "Athenian Workshops around 700," B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pp. 139
Weinberg, Corinth 7
CVA Berlin 1, Munich, 1938
CVA Munich 3, Munich, 1952
CVA Louvre 11, Paris, 1954
Jean M. Davison, "Attic Geometric Workshops," Yale Classical Studies, Vol. XVI, New Haven, 1960
Exploration archéologique de Délos faite par l'Ecole francaise d Athènes
C. Dugas, Delos X, Les vases de l'Heraion, Paris, 1928
D. Dugas and C. Rhomaios, Delos XV, Les vases préhelléniques et géométriques, Paris, 1934
C. Dugas, Delos XVII, Les vases orientalisants de style nonmélien, Paris, 1935
V. R. d'A. Desborough, Protogeometric Pottery, Oxford, 1952
T. J. Dunbabin, The Greeks and the Eastern Neighbours, London, 1957
B. Graef and E. Langlotz, Die antiken Vasen der Akropolis zu Athen, Berlin, 1909
R. Hampe, Ein Frühattischer Grabfund, Mainz, 1960
P. Jacobsthal, Greek Pins and the Connexions with Europe and Asia, Oxford, 1956
K. Friis Johansen, Les vases sicyoniens, Copenhagen, 1923
Kahane, P., "Die Entwicklungsphasen der attisch-geometrischen Keramik," A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pp. 464-482, pls. XVIII-XXVIII
K. Kübler, Kerameikos, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen der Nekropole des 10. bis 8. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1954
K. Kübler, Die Nekropole des späten 8. bis frühen 6. Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1959
W. Kraiker, Aigina, die Vasen des 10. bis 7. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Berlin, 1951
K. Kübler, Altattische Malerei, Tübingen, 1950
E. Kunze, Kretische Bronzereliefs. Stuttgart, 1931
E. Langlotz, Griechische Vasen in Würzburg, Munich, 1932
F. Matz, Geschichte der griechischen Kunst, I, Die geometrische und die früharchaische Form, Frankfurt am Main, 1950
Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Schweitzer, Ath. Mitt., XLIII, 1918, p. 145
Young IX 12
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 78, inv. 814
CVA Munich 3, pl. 112, 1 and 2
Brock, Fortetsa, no. 453, p. 47, pl. 34
Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 212, fig. 89
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 76, inv. 1327
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 23
Brann L 10
Oinochoe with Crossed Tubes
Young XIII 1
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 78, inv. 369
Neck Oinochoai
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 76, inv. 274
Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 211, fig. 88
Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 32, fig. 31
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, pp. 404-405, no. 2, pl. 89
Brann L 11
Young XX 7
Brann P 6
Brann P 7, N 7
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 79
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
Oinochoe; Phaleron Type
Brann Q 7
 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
3rd-4th quarter of 8th B.C.
4th quarter of 8th B.C.
Ovoid Aryballos; Protocorinthian
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 212, C 16, C 18, pl. 76
Handmade Amphora Fragment
Young C 147
A.J.A., XLVI, 1942, p. 79, fig. 7
Hesperia, XXV, 1956, p. 365, no. 59
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 262, no. 14, pl. 46
Mortar; Corinthian Coarse Ware
Standed Krater; Corinthian or Argive
Brann F 76
Brann F 74
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 228, D 78-79, pl. 84
Payne, Perachora, pp. 65-66, pl. 12, no. 5
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, p. 213, C 25, pl. 77
Foot of Amphora; Corinthian
Krater; Chian
Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pl. 77, C 28
Handmade Coarse Ware Amphora; Corinthian
Arch. Anz., XXIX, 1914, p. 231, figs. 45, 46
Délos, XV, pl. L, 6
Pottery by Painting Styles
Fragmentary Belly-Handled Amphora; Dipylon
Jahrb., LVIII, 1943, pp. 2ff.
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 22-28, figs. 1-9
Athens 804
CVA Athens 1, pl. 8
 1st half of 8th B.C.
7th B.C.
2nd-3rd quarter of 7th B.C.
Late 7th B.C.
Mid 8th B.C.
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 192, pl. 55, c
G. S. Kirk, "Ships on Geometric Vases," B.S.A., XLIV, 1949, pp. 93ff.
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 163, fig. 13, 20
Hydria; Early Protoattic
Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 341, fig. 23
B.C.H., LXI, 1937, pl. XXXV, B
Fragments of a Ship Krater; Late Geometric
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, III H b, pl. 1, 1, b
Fragment of Ship Krater; Early Protoattic
Röm. Mitt., LXII, 1955, pl. 35, 2
Vulture Painter's Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 53-54, figs. 69-71
Black and White Style
Kübler, Alt. Mal, p. 52, fig. 37
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 47
Fragment of Fenestrated Stand; Late Geometric
Brann P 14
L. Casson, The Ancient Mariners, New York, 1959, p. 85
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 40, b
Athens 810
Hampe, Grabfund, figs. 33-39
B.S.A., XLIX, 1954, p. 196, pl. 16, 2
B.C.H., LXXXI, 1957, pl. IV
Analatos Painter
Hampe, Grabfund, p. 35, fig. 18
 700 B.C.
7th B.C.
1st quarter of 7th B.C.
725 B.C.
Mesogeia Painter
Protoattic Oinochoe Fragment; Early Protoattic
Analatos Painter
Mesogeia Hydria
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 46, b
Fragments of Neck Amphora; Early Protoattic
Mesogeia Workshop
Vlastos Krater
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 51, c
fig. 4
Young C 119
Polyphemos Painter
Mylonas, Eleusis Amphora, p. 35, fig. 17, no. 5, p. 36
A. Roes, Greek Geometric Art, Haarlem, 1933, pp. 107ff.
G. Perrot-C. Chipiez, Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquité, Paris, 1882, Vol. IV, p. 82, figs. 76-79
J.H.S., LIX, 1939, p. 151
Berlin A 40
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 28
Trefoil Oinochoe; Early Protoattic
Menelaos stand
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 32
Fragment of Krater; Early Protoattic
Mesogeia ornament
Neck Fragment of Amphora; Early Protoattic
fig. 5
Brann Q 7
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 43
Neck Fragment; Early Protoattic
Painter of the Oxford Amphora
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 49-51, figs. 54-56
Vlastos Kantharos
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 184, fig. 8
 1st quarter of 7th B.C.
2nd quarter of 7th B.C.
Early 7th B.C.
700 B.C.
Fragment of Stand; Early Protoattic
Matz, Gesch. Gr. Kunst., pls. 198-199
Burr 333
Fragment of an Oinochoe; Early Protoattic
Fragment of Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
Burr 210
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 215
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 7, 2
Analatos Painter
Mesogeia Painter
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 44
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 40, inv. 1370
Amphora; Early Protoattic
Brann E 1
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 43
Fragment of Neck; Early Protoattic
Neck of Hydria; Early Protoattic
Hesperia, VII, 1938, p. 343
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 45
Fragment of Krater; Early Protoattic
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 1, 1-2
Young XII 24
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 82-83, figs. 123-126
Hesperia, XIV, 1945, pl. XI, 2
J.H.S., LIV, 1934, p. 187, fig. 2
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 39, no. 71
A.J.A., XLVI, 1942, p. 37, fig. 21
Neck of Hydria; Early to Middle Protoattic
Brann S 3
Fragments of Krater; Early Protoattic
Burr 144
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pp. 192, 216
Burr 136
 Geometric-Early 6th B.C.
675 B.C.
1st quarter of 7th B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
700 B.C.
Early 7th B.C.
Workshop of Athens 894
Athens 894
B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pp. 144-149
Workshop of Athens 897
Athens 897
Fragmentary Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Brann P 10
Neck Fragments of an Amphora
Young IV 2, B 67
Iliad XI, 677ff.
Dunbabin, Greeks and Eastern Neighbours, pp. 83-84
Fragment of Kotyle; Imitation of Protocorinthian
Fragment of Bowl; Late Geometric
Young C 30
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 3, III G, pl. 3, 1
B.S.A., XXXV, 1943-1935, p. 182, fig. 5
CVA Athens 2, pl. 14, 1 and 3
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 43
A.J.A., XLIV, 1940, pl. XXVIII, 2
Fragment of Krater; Early Protoattic
Fragment of Krater; Late Geometric
Young B 16
CVA Munich 3, pl. 125, 4
B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pls. 20, 21
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 24, inv. 1336
Brann F 19
Sub-Dipylon Workshop
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig. 101
Fragments of a Lid; Late Geometric
Fragment of Kotyle; Late Geometric
Young B 85
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 162, fig. 13, 22
Hesperia, IX, 1940, p. 163, fig. 13, 22
B.S.A., XLII, 1947, pl. 20
Empedocles Collection
Athens N.M. 18495
Kraiker, Aigina, pl. 3, 53
 725 B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
Latest 8th B.C.
Young B 75
Young B 73
Corinth, VII, i, pl. 23, no. 166
B.S.A., XLVIII, 1953, pl. 57, no. 1050
Athens 897
Jug; Late Geometric
Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pl. 104, b
Ath. Mitt., XVIII, 1893, pl. VIII, 2, no. 6
CVA Copenhagen 2, III H, pl. 70, 6
CVA Munich 3, pl. 117, 8
CVA Athens 1, pl. 2, 9
CVA Munich 3, pl. 117, 11
Brann M 4, N 11, G 5
CVA Cambridge 1, III H, pl. 1,4
Brock, Fortetsa, pl. 95, nos. 1362, 1499
Neckless Trefoil Oinochoe
Wide-Necked Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Brann K 3
Running Dog Olpe; Late Geometric
Ath. Mitt. XLIII, 1918, pl. II, 3
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 408, no. 1, pl. 90
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 76, inv. 274
A.J.A., LX, 1956, pl. 30
Painter of Athens 897
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 45, fig. 43
Wide-Necked Oinochoe; Semi-Black Ware
Brann G 8
Olpe with Representation of Amphora
Young D 17
Arch. Anz., Lii, 1937, p. 102, fig. 5
I.L.N., Sept. 11, 1937, p. 432, fig. 18
A.J.A., XLI, 1937, p. 179, fig. 3
Beazley, Dev., p. 116, note 4
Karouzou, The Amasis Painter, p. 33, no. 39, shape III
 1st half of 7th B.C.
3rd-4th quarter of 8th B.C.
Late 8th B.C.
3rd quarter of 8th B.C.
725 B.C.
Late 7th B.C.
Fragments of Amphora; Early Protoattic
Langlotz, Corolla Curtius, I, pp. 60ff., II, pls. 5-6
Délos, XVII, pls. I-IX passim
Passas Painter
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pls. 47-50
Fragment of Kotyle; Early Protoattic
Payne, PK Vasen, pl. 11
Fragment of Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
Payne, PK Vasen, pl. 21
Fragments of Kotyle; Early to Middle Protoattic
Young B 79
Fragments of Bowl; Early to Middle Protoattic
Pyxis Bowl; Early Protoattic
Young B 65
Young C 42
Painter of the Oxford Amphora
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 49-50, figs. 54-56
Jahrb., II, 1887, pp. 45-46, figs. 3, 4
Athens N.M. 307
Neck of Trefoil Oinochoe; Early Protoattic
Vulture Painter
CVA Vienna 1, pl. 3, 3-4
Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 86, 1, pl. 37, e
CVA Cambridge 2, III H, pl. XV, 9
Kübler, Alt. Mal., p. 7, fig. 2
W. Schiering, Werkstätte der orientalisierenden Keramik auf Rhodos, Berlin, 1957, p. 43
E. D. Van Buren, The Fauna of Ancient Mesopotamia as Represented in Art, Rome, 1939, pp. 49ff., figs. 51-52
CVA Munich 3, pl. 134, 1-3
E. Langlotz, Würzburg, pl. 4, no. 79
Cook, B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 177, note 2
Dipylon Master
Hirschfeld Painter
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, pl. 55
Kunze, Bronzereliefs, Beil. 3
 1st quarter of 7th B.C.
700 B.C.
Early 7th B.C.
Fragment of a Stand with Plastic Figures; Middle Protoattic
Leg of a Tripod; Protoattic
Young C 151
Burr 155
Olympische Forschungen, III, Berlin, 1957, pl. 63
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 129, fig. 17
Arch. Anz., XLVIII, 1933, pp. 271-274, figs. 6-10
CVA Karlsruhe 1, pl. 5, 1
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 38, b
Analatos Painter
Graef., Akropolis Vasen, pl. 12
Εφ. Αρχ., 1898, pl. 3, 2
Fragment of Openwork Stand; Protoattic
Fragment of Amphora; Early Protoattic
Hesperia, XX, 1951, p. 86, pl. 37, d
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 9, 3
Wild Style
CVA Berlin 1, pls. 3-17, passim
CVA Athens 2, pl. 2, 2
E. Langlotz, Würzburg, pl. 4, 77
P. Jacobsthal, Greek Pins, p. 62, ills. 258-263
Fragment of Lid; Protoattic
Hampe, Sagenbilder, pls. 20ff.
Fragment of Very Large Closed Pot; Early Protoattic
Ram Jug Painter
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, pl. 45
B.S.A., XXXV, 1934-1935, p. 194, fig. 9
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 20
Burr 199
Fragment of Bowl; Protoattic
Handle of Plate of Column Krater; Late Geometric
Young C 111
CVA Berlin 1, pl. 9, 4 and pl. 17, 1
Young C 153
Ohly, Goldbleche, p. 35, fig. 20
CVA Copenhagen 2, III H, pl. 73, 3
Beazley, Dev., pl. 2
Jahrb., II, 1887, pl. 4
Analatos group
Baghdad IM 52041
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," fig. 116, a-b
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 410, no. 1, pl. 90
Young XVII 8
Young XVII 5
Pyxis and Lid
Young XVII 11
Young XVII 14
Young XVII 10
A.J.A., XLII, 1956, pl. 29
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 64
Hesperia, XXIX, 1960, p. 412, no. 2, pls. 91, 92
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 55, graves 25, 37
Arch. Anz., LXX, 1955, p. 99, fig. 5
CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, III H b, pl. 1,4
Young XVII 12
Young XVII 13
Kerameikos, V, 1, grave 32
Young XVII 16
Young XVII 6
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 108
Knickerbocker Workshop
Pair of Handmade Pots; Argive Monochrome
Davison, "Geometric Workshops," pp. 63-65, figs. 87-92
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 130
CVA University of California 1, pl. 1, 2, a
Young XVII 20-21
Matz, Gesch. Gr. Kunst., pl. 7
Εφ. Αρχ., 1898, p. 94, fig. 22
CVA Musée de Sèvres, II 3, pl. 12, 2
Handmade Aryballos; Argive Monochrome
Young XVII 22
Young XVII 9
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 61, inv. 257
Young XVII 2
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 92, grave 31, pl. 93, grave 29
Young XVII 15
C. Watzinger, Griechische Vasen in Tübingen, Tübingen, 1936, p. 11, fig. 3, B 8
Young XVII 3
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 91, grave 15
Trefoil Oinochoe; Late Geometric
Brann O 7
Young XVII 1
Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 91, grave 22
Young XVII 4