"Title","Name","Date","Chronology","Collection","Id","Type","UserLevel" "Bowl Fragments with Relief Decoration","P 18243","16 June, 5 July 1947","","Agora","Agora:Object:P 18243","Object","" "Dohrn, T. 1985. Schwarzgefirnisste Plakettenvasen, RM 92, pp. 77-106; Dow, S. 1937. The Egyptian Cults in Athens, HThR 30, pp. 184-232; Dragendorff, H., and C. Watzinger. 1948. Arretinische Reliefkeramik, Reutlingen; Dray, E., and J.du Plat Taylor. 1951. Tsambres and Aphendrika: Two Classical and Hellenistic Cemeteries, RDAC 1937-1939 [1951], pp. 24-123; Drougou 1991. Hellenistic Pottery from Macedonia, S. Drougou, ed., Thessaloniki; Drougou, S., and I. Touratsoglou. 1994. Τα χρονολογημένα σύνολα ελληνιστικής κεραμικής από τη Μακεδονία, in Γ' Συνάντηση, pp. 128-137; Ducatti, P. 1922. Storia della ceramica greca, Florence; Ducrey, P., V. Hadjimichali, and O. Picard. 1976. Recherches à Latô: VI. Céramique hellénistique, BCH 100, pp. 253-267; Dunand, F. 1973. Le culte d' Isis dans le bassin oriental de la méditerranée (Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l' empire romain 26), Leiden 1973; N. Toll, The Green Glazed Pottery (The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV, i, i), New Haven 1943; D.H. Cox, the Greek and Roman Pottery (The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report IV, i, ii), New Haven 1949; Edwards, C.M. 1986. Corinthian Moldmade Bowls: The 1926 Reservoir, Hesperia 55, pp. 389-419; Edwards, G.R. 1956. Hellenistic Pottery, in Small Objects from the Pnyx: II (Hesperia Supplement 10), Princeton, pp. 79-112; Edwards, G.R. 1957. Panathenaics of Hellenistic and Roman Times, Hesperia 26, pp. 320-349; Edwards, G.R. 1963. Koroni: The Hellenistic Pottery, Hesperia 32, pp. 109-111; Edwards, G.R. 1965. The Hellenistic Pottery, in G.D. Weinberg, V.R. Grace, G.R. Edwards, H.S. Robinson, P. Throckmorton, and E.K. Ralph, The Antikythera Shipwreck Reconsidered (TAPS, n.s. 55, part 3), Philadelphia, pp. 18-27; Eiseman, C.J. 1975. Classical Inkpots, AJA 79, pp. 374-375; Eiseman, C.J, and B.S. Ridgway. 1987. The Porticello Shipwreck: A Mediterranean Merchant Vessel of 415-385 B.C., College Station, Texas; Eisenberg, E. 1985. A Greek Rhyton from Sepphoris, Qadmoniot 18:1-2, pp. 31-33 (in Hebrew); Empereur, J.-Y. 1977. Timbres amphoriques de Crocodilopolis-Arsinoé, BIFAO 77, pp. 197-233; Enklaar, A. 1985. Chronologie et peintres des hydries de Hadra, BABesch 60, pp. 106-151; Enklaar, A. 1986. Les hydries de Hadra II: Formes et ateliers, BABesch 61, pp. 41-65; V. Mitsopoulos-Leon, Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos. Kleifunde, 1.Teil, Keramik hellenistischer und römischer Zeit (Forschungen in Ephesos IX, ii/ii), Vienna 1991; I.R. Metzger, Die Hellenistische Keramik in Eretria (Eretria: Ausgrabungen und Forschungen II), Bern 1969; Espérandieu, E, 1894. Recueil des cachets d' oculistes romains (suite), RA, 3rd ser. 24, pp. 54-64; A.-B. Bon and A. Bon, Les Timbres amphoriques de Thasos (Études thasiennes IV), Paris 1957; L. Ghali-Kahil, Le céreamique greque (Fouilles 1991-1956) (Études thasiennes VII), Paris 1960; Faklaris, P.B. 1994. Aegae: Determining the Site of the First Macedonian Capital of the Macedonians, AJA 98, pp. 609-616; P. Perdrizet, Monuments figurés: Petits bronzes, terre-cuites, antiquités diverses (Fouilles de Delphes, École française d' Athènes V, i), Paris 1908; Ferguson, W.S. 1935. Rev. of M. Gude, A History of Olynthus, in AJA 39, pp. 154-155; Ferron, J., and M. Pinard. 1955. Les fouilles de Byrsa: 1953-1954, CahByrsa 5, pp. 31-81; Ferron, J., and M. Pinard. 1960-1961. Les fouilles de Byrsa (suite), CahBrysa 9, pp. 77-170; Filow, D.B. 1934. Die Grabhügelnekropole bei Duvanlij in Südbulgarien, Sophia; Fuimi, E. 1972. Volterra.-Gli scavi degli anni 1960-1965 nell' area della necropoli di Badia, NSc, 8th ser. 26, pp. 52-136; Forbes, R.J. 1955. Studies in Ancient Technology III, Leiden; Forti, L. 1965. La ceramica di Gnathia, Naples; Frank, T. 1940. An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, V, Rome and Italy of the Empire, Baltimore; Fraser, P.M. 1972. Ptolemaic Alexandria, Oxford; Frel, J. 1973. Panathenaic Prize Amphorae (Kerameikos Book 2), Athens; Freytag gen. Löringhoff, B. von. 1984. Kerameikos: Tätigkeitsbericht 1982. 2. Heilige Strasse und Eridanos, AA (JdI 99), pp. 35-50","Agora 29.1, s. 22, p. xxii","","","Agora","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-29.1-22","PublicationPage",""