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Agora 12, Brian A. Sparkes and Lucy Talcott, Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th, and 4th Centuries B.C., 1970
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Agora 14, Homer A. Thompson and R.E. Wyckerley, The Agora of Athens: The History, Shape, and Uses of an Ancient City Center, 1972
Agora 16, A. Geoffrey Woodheard, Inscriptions: Decrees, 1997
Agora 19, Gerald V. Lalonde, Merle K. Langdon, and Michael B. Walbank, Inscriptions: Horoi, Poletai Records, and Leases of Public Lands
Agora 21, Mabel Lang, Graffiti and Dipinti, 1976
Agora 22, Susan I. Rotroff, Hellenistic Pottery: Athenian and Imported Moldmade Bowls, 1982
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Agora 24, Alison Frantz, Late Antiquity, A.D. 267-700, 1998
Agora 25, Mabel L. Lang, Ostraka, 1990
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Agora 27, Rhys F. Townsend, The East Side of the Agora: The Remains beneath the Stoa of Attalos, 1995
Agora 28, Alan L. Boegehold et al., The Lawcourts at Athens: Sites, Buildings, Equipment, Procedure, and Testimonia, 1995
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