[Corinth Basket] NB143 P69

Deposit 143 69 NB143 P069 Box4 K-L:8-9 0.50-1.00 m. below spring of vault (apparently at back of northernmost of southern group of West Shops) ... 1934/05/05 ... of southern group of West

[Corinth Basket] NB585 B72 P70

Basket/zembil 585 72 70 Exedra. Area 1. North central rock pile. Soil: Medium-sized rocks in apparently random group, one rock thick, over thin layer of very dark brown soil which had high concentration ... 1973/05/28 ... random group, one rock thick,

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B16 P9

Basket/zembil 84 16 9 Trench SS, chasing walls Work continued at Korako with 11 men (and 1 sousta). I have 2 men chasing walls in trench SS and 2 others doing similar work in SN. [p. 10] [drawing of ... 1916/06/02 ... including groups S N

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B17 P9

Basket/zembil 84 17 9 Trench SN, chasing walls Work continued at Korako with 11 men (and 1 sousta). I have 2 men chasing walls in trench SS and 2 others doing similar work in SN. [p. 10] [drawing of ... 1916/06/02 ... including groups S N

[Corinth Basket] Zygouries

Deposit HP HP The sherds listed here all bear the pencil mark 'HP''. This is not directly referred to in the notebook, but it seems a fairly safe assumption that this refers to the 'House of Pithoi'at ... 2019/04/15 ... material as a group, it seemed

[Corinth Basket] Nezi Field, context 10109: Wall

Cut 1104 10109 0 This wall is being removed as part of a plan to apply to have some walls removed in ths part of the site in order to reveal the 11th century AD phase of a house for public display. This ... 2009/02/16 ... group of large limestone

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B50 P15

Basket/zembil 83 50 15 Trench F We continued trench f. See pg. 3. southward from about 3 m. and came upon a wall running westward. After the wall runs westward for 1 m. it turns and forms an angle. In ... 1916/06/07 ... Group C. The strainer

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B15 P9

Basket/zembil 84 15 9 Trench N, continuation After breakfast two of Scott’s men were transferred to trench N of last year where they begin to follow up the good North-South wall partly uncovered last year ... 1916/06/02 ... including groups S N