[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1582

Parabolic Cup. Bottom, much of lower wall, and part of upper wall restored. Deep cup. Rim beveled to inside with shallow groove below. Hard, fine, somewhat micaceous, gray fabric (10YR 5/1); thick, shiny ... Context of 150-110 ... Heraclea, is displayed in the

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1620

Pyxis? Upper part missing; edge of foot chipped. Projecting foot; slightly concave underside. Concave wall. Pronounced nipple on floor. Hard, fine, very micaceous, gray/light gray fabric with uneven ... Context of 5th to 1st century ... Heraclea (South Italy; Giardino

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 1328

Most of foot and one-sixth of body missing. Flaring foot. Spherical body with pentagons drawn in glazed grooves; groove around hole. Dull red glaze. A small fragment of another, smaller (Diam. 5.0 cm.) ... 150-110 ... pl. XXV:H (Heraclea, in