
[Corinth Monument] Julian Basilica

The Julian Basilica closes the east end of the Roman forum. It was a two story structure with cryptoporticus below and a peristyle hall above. The basilica was built in the early years of the 1st century ... Julian Basilica

[Corinth Monument] Old_Julian Basilica ?

| Julian Basilica | Old_Julian Basilica ?

[Corinth Monument] Old_Julian Basilica Lechaion Road Arch ?

| Julian Basilica | Propylaia | Old_Julian Basilica


[Corinth Monument] Race Course

The remains of two successive stadia (race tracks) lie beneath the Roman forum. The apheteria (starting blocks) of both, lie directly to the west of the Julian Basilica. The orientation of the two phases ... Julian Basilica. The


[Corinth Monument] South Basilica

The south basilica appears to have been built using the earlier Julian Basilica as a prototype. The entrance to the basilica from the north was via a broad marble reveted concrete staircase in a court ... The south basilica appears to have been built using the earlier Julian


[Corinth Monument] Southeast Building

The portico 13 ionic columns which closed the east end of the upper forum served as the entrance to the Southeast building. In its earliest form, probably in the first half 1st century B.C., the building ... space for the Julian Basilica