
[Corinth Monument] Lechaion Road

The main north-south artery (cardo maximus) of the Roman city ultimately linked the Agora of Corinth with the harbor of Lechaion on the Corinthian gulf 3 kilometers to the north. In the time of Augustus, ... Lechaion Road Area | Lechaion Road


[Corinth Monument] East of Theater

A series of buildings flanking the street descending the terrace immediately to the east of the theater was excavated in the 1980’s by C. K. Williams II. Two of the buildings (Buildings 1 and 3) were food ... East of Theater


[Corinth Monument] Temple of Apollo

The seven standing columns of the Archaic temple are one of the most prominent landmarks of Corinth. The dedication of the temple to Apollo is deduced from Pausanias’ description of Corinth combined with ... Temple of Apollo


[Corinth Monument] Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore

Excavations on the north slopes of Acrocorinth in the 1960’s and 70’s revealed a mass of small dining rooms both above and below and ancient road leading to Acrocorinth. They were arranged in parallel ... Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore


[Corinth Monument] Asklepieion

The sanctuary of Asklepios is located in what was probably considered a healthy location on the north side of the city close to a supply of fresh spring water. It incorporated hospital facilities. The ... Keramidaki, Hill of Zeus


[Corinth Monument] Temple E Decumanus

A major Roman east-west road immediately to the south of the Forum ... A major Roman east-west road immediately to the south of the Forum.


[Corinth Monument] Race Course and Platform

A raised platform to the south of two successive race tracks may have been used for pale and pankrateion. The path Hellenistic phase of the race course caused the platform retaining wall to be slightly ... A raised platform to the south of two successive race ... path Hellenistic phase of


[Corinth Monument] Nezi Field

Excavations renewed south of the South Stoa in 2007 in an area where in the 1960s Henry Robinson uncovered several Byzantine buildings and and Early Modern/Ottoman Era house. These structures were further ... south of the South Stoa in ... to prepare them for final ... probable intersection of the