
[Agora Deposit] F 19:4: Well

This filling is the largest deposit of its time found in the Agora. It may be compared with H 6:5 and with N 7:3. Dug in soft bedrock to a depth of 11.40m; footholds cut on opposite sides of the shaft ... Ca. 490-450 B.C ... -11.4m.

[Agora Deposit] U 14:1: Well at U/10-14/4

Well at U/10-14/4, in Byzantine Room I. Well is ca. 1.20m in diameter, dug into bedrock. Excavated to depth of roughly -8.00m; sides started collapsing and thus did not dig to full depth. Some stone-lining, ... June 15-16, 17-31 July 1972 ... Well at U/10-14/4


[Agora Deposit] J 2:21: Coin Hoard

Marcie Handler ... Fill within the drain from the basin on the west side of Roman Room B through Wall A. After we removed the fill within the basin on the west side of Roman Room B (BZ XXVII p. 5325), we began excavating ... Late Roman ... fill, of varying sizes but

[Agora Deposit] T-U 21:1: Hellenistic Fill Beneath Floors

Two pebble floors of Roman date, broken into at the SE and north, covered a 6x5m trench in ΕΛ, bounded by the unexcavated east trench and a wall from Byzantine Building D (Wall A). Under these pebble floors ... 220 - 150 B.C ... T/20,U/6-21/20,22/4