Agora 6, s. 17, p. 5Uses
Winter, Typen 1, p. 256, no.7 and p. 257, no. 3
Corinth, XII, nos. 378-465
R.M. Dawkins, The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia at Sparta, London, 1929, Part IV, The Terracotta Figurines, Type XVI
A.K. Orlandos (editor), Τό Έργον της Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρίας κατά το 1959, Athens, 1960, pp. 37-40
H. Bengston and V. Milojcic, Grosser historischer Weltatlas, I, Vorgeschichte und Altertum, Munich, 1954
Agora 6, s. 19, p. 7Types of Figurines
J.J. Bernouilli, Aphrodite, Leipzig, 1878
M. Bieber, Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age, New York, 1955
Hesperia, XIX, 1950, pl. 106
C.K. Boyce, Corpus of the Lararia of Pompeii, M.A.A.R., XIV, 1937
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Severus Alexander 29
Agora III, pp. 58-59
Chapouthier, Dioscures, pp. 262-268, fig. 44
Chaupouthier, Dioscures, pp. 262-268, fig. 44
Chaupouthier, Dioscures, p. 253, fig. 41
Cumont, Symbolisme funeraire, ch. III, pp. 178-252
Will, Relief cultuel, ch. V
Breccia, Terrecotte 2, pls. XLVII, XLVIII
Breitenstein, Catalogue, pl. 86, 712
Graindor, Terres cuites, pl. V
K. Hoenn, Artemis, Zurich, 1946, pl. II
Weber, Terrakotten, pl. XXVIII, 299
Agora, III, pp. 49-50
Lliffe, Jerash, nos. 13, 20-34
Weber, Terrakotten, pl. XXVII, 179,180
Tarsus I, p. 356, no. 380, fig. 241
Corinth, XII, nos. 378-380, pl. 34
Kaufmann, Koroplastik, pl. 30
Van de Weerd, Inleiding, pl. XXV
Winter, Typen 2, p. 193, nos 1-10 and p. 194, nos. 3-5
Burr, Myrina, pp. 8-9, fig. 2
Agora 6, s. 24, p. 12Winter, Typen 2, p. 216, no. 1
Tarsus, I, p. 316, nos. 44-50
Reinach, Rep. de la statuaire, II, p. 113, 3 and 7, p. 114,8, p. 118, 7 and 9, p. 121,2, p. 122,7, p. 123,3
Winter, Typen 2, p. 366, 6
Herbig, Pan, pl. XXII, 1, 2
Hesperia, II, 1933, p. 1933, p. 537, figs. 20-24
Agora 6, s. 29, p. 17R Delbrück, Spätantiken Kaiserporträts von Constantinus Magnus bis zum Endes des Westreichs, Berlin 1933, pls. 102,122
K. Wessel, Römische Frauenfrisuren von der Seherischen bis zur Konstantinischen Zeit, Arch. Anz. LXII, 1947, cols. 62-76
G. Bovini, Osservazioni sulla ritrattistica Romana da Treboniano Gallo a Probo, Mon. Ant. XXXIX, 1943, cols. 13-365
R Delbrück, Die Münzbildnisse von Maximinus bis Carinus, Das römische Herrscherbild III, 2
E. Tudot, Collection de figurines en argile, Paris, 1860, p. 35, fig. L, pl. 39
Agora 1, no. 7
Winter, Typen 2, p. 239, no. 9
Hesperia 27, 1948, pl. LXIII,3
Reinach, Rép. de la statuaire, II, p. 454,5
Winter, Typen 2, p. 239, no. 2-3