[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 433

One handle, most of rim, and large part of neck and body restored; foot chipped. Slightly beveled resting surface; slightly pointed underside. Downturned rim. Upper handle attachments flanked by knobs ... Ca. 140

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 434

One handle, half of rim, and three-fourths of shoulder restored; lower body missing. Very flaring, downturned rim. Upper handle attachments flanked by knobs with painted crosses surrounded by white dots ... Ca. 140

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 436

Small parts restored. Beveled resting surface. No scraped groove below rim. Molded rim with scraped groove in outer face. Upper handle attachments flanked by knobs painted with orange and white asterisks ... Ca. 140

[Agora Object] Agora XXIX, no. 437

One handle, rim, and part of neck and body restored. Outwardly beveled resting surface. Two scraped grooves at base of neck. Vestigial mask at base of handles. Neck: ivy garland running right. Main stem ... Ca. 140?