[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Emilio Rodriguez-Alvarez (2015-06-02 to 2015-06-26): Corinth Report: Temple E Southeast excavations. Unit 2, Rooms 8 and 7.

Room 8 [N: 1088.00 N, S: 1077.00 N, E: 129.00 E, W: 121.00 E] Room 7 [N: 1086.30 N, S: 1078.20 N, E: 123.90 E, W: 119.40 E] Rodríguez-Álvarez, Emilio Session III Introduction: This is the final report ... Corinth Report: Temple E Southeast excavations. Unit 2, Rooms 8 and 7.

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Sitz, Anna and Katz, Philip (2015-06-02 to 2015-06-26): Unit 2, Room 9: later half of thirteenth century and earlier cistern; Unit 2, Room 6: Frankish burials and 13th century surfaces

Session III Unit 2, Room 9 N: 1086.73, S: 1079.10, E: 132.85, W: 126.83 Unit 2, Room 6 N: 1085.00, S: 1077.00, E: 120.70, W: 116.85 This is the final summary of the third excavation session for 2015 in ... Unit 2, Room 9: later half of thirteenth century ... 2, Room 6: Frankish


[Corinth Basket] Temple E, Southeast, context 611: Cleaning south room 6

Deposit 1109 611 50% coarse subrounded spherical pebbles. Pottery and bones trampled and scattered around with no order. Top slope of the context is uneven down to the S. The soil color is light brownish ... 2015/04/23 ... Temple E, Southeast, context 611

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Danielle Smotherman and Tim Brannelly (2015-05-04 to 2015-05-22): 2015 Session II, Frankish activity in Unit 2, Room 9

Danielle Smotherman Timothy Brannelly Temple E, Southeast Excavations Session II Unit 2, Room 9 N: 1086.73, S; 1079.10 N, E: 132.85 E, W: 126.83 E 4-22 May 2015 2015 Session II, Frankish activity in Unit ... Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Danielle Smotherman and Tim Brannelly (2015