[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 83 ... 2014


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 22, p. 1

The Neolithic Period; Introduction; Deposits. Well. Shear, Hesperia, 7, 1938, pp. 330f. Shear, Hesperia, 8, 1939, p.221. Shear, Hesperia, 9, 1940, pp. 297-298 ... Agora 13 1 T 24:2 T 26:4 T 26:5 R 28:2 T 26:1 U 25:1 U 24:2 ... 1957


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 46, p. 25

Well. Hesperia, 9, 1940, p. 297, fig. 38. Hesperia, 27, 1958, p. 138, pl. 38, a. Arch. Anz., 1962, col. 123, fig. 7. Πρακτικά, 1951, p. 103, figs. 9, δ, and 10, α. Caskey, Hesperia, 27, 1958, p. 137, note ... Agora 13 25 P 13912 P 14752 P 13884 P 14753 P 14562 P 17297 P 13904 P 25859 P 13878 P 13927 P 14584 P 13937 T 26:3 U 24:2 S 27:4 S 27:7 T 26:6 T 26:1 S 27:5 U 24:3 T 24:2 ... Middle Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 50, p. 29

Well. D.S., pl. 10, 1. P.T., p. 98, fig. 50, d-j. Levi, Abitazioni, p. 441, fig. 29, o. D.S., pls. 10, 2; 30. Orchomenos, II, pl. II, 3. Hesperia, 6, 1937, p. 502, note 2. Naissance, II, fig. 840 ... Agora 13 29 P 14583 P 27008 P 13909 P 14590 P 14591 P 14594 P 27016 P 13938 P 13913 U 24:3 T 26:5 T 26:3 U 26:5 T 24:2 ... Late Neolithic-Early Helladic I


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 55, p. 34

Well. Orchomenos, II, pl. XXV, 2. Levi, Abitazioni, pl. XXVII, P. D.S., col. 202, figs. 113-115. Levi, Abitazioni, pl. XXVII, R ... Agora 13 34 P 13977 P 13983 P 13914 P 13978 P 13939 P 14738 P 13980 P 14739 P 13982 P 14736 R 28:2 S 27:3 T 26:3 T 24:2 U 24:2 U 26:2 ... Late Neolithic


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 296, p. 275

Burial. Well. Other. Pit ... Agora 13 275 Q 7:5 Q 8:4 T 24:2 Q 8:8 T 24:4 Q 9:1 T 25:1 Q 10:2 T 26:1 Q 10:3 T 26:2 Q 10:4 T 26:3 R 7:1 R 7:2 T 26:4 R 10:4 R 21:4 T 26:5 T 26:6 R 28:1 T 26-27:2 R 28:2 U 24:2 S 18:1 S 27:1 S 27:2 U ...

[Agora Object] P 13938: Handle Fragment

Lower end of a broad ribbon handle; near root, the stump of a small horn or projection. Gritty brown clay; thick dark gray core; red burnished slip, inside and out. Well 4. 1669, 1884 Leica, 83-526, ... 13 May 1938

[Agora Object] P 13939: Bowl Fragment

From plain lip and wall of an open bowl. Hard gritty clay, light gray at core, pinkish at surface. Whitish or light buff slip; a band of black paint at lip, inside and out. Well 4. 1669, 1885 Leica, 83-520 ... 13 May 1938