
[Agora Monument] Stoa of Zeus

Civic, Religious Unknown Pentelic Marble, Limestone Poor, foundations and fragments of superstructure ... 450-400 B.C.


[Agora Monument] Stoa Poikile

Social, Military Display, Museum Peisianax Limestone, Some Marble Fair, foundations and parts of superstructure ... 500-450 B.C.


[Agora Monument] Strategeion

Uncertain, Possibly Civic, Possibly Commercial Unknown Limestone Poor, minimal superstructure ... Mid 5th B.C.


[Agora Monument] Temple of Hephaistos

Temple Athenian Demos Pentelic Marble, Parian Marble (Ashlar Blocks) Excellent, most of superstructure remains ... Mid 5th B.C.


[Agora Monument] Tholos

Administrative, Dining, Civic Athenian Demos Limestone, Mudbrick Poor, foundations only ... Ca. 470 B.C.


[Agora Monument] Boundary Stones of the Agora

Boundary Marker Unknown Parian Marble Excellent, displayed in Agora Museum ... Ca. 500 B.C.


[Agora Publication] The Agora of Athens: The History, Shape and Uses of an Ancient City Center

Thompson, H. A. Wycherley, R. E ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The subtitle, The History, Shape and Uses of an Ancient City Center, suggests the general character of this volume, which provides an overview of the area that served as the civic center of Athens from ... 1972


[Agora Publication] The East Side of the Agora: The Remains beneath the Stoa of Attalos

Townsend, R. F ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The Stoa of Attalos now covers the remains several centuries of previous occupation. Mycenaean and Protogeometric burials represent the early use of the area. By the Late Geometric period, the presence ... 1995