
[Agora Image] 2012.78.0635 (91-32-25)

S 1192 ... AMS Horizontal (normal)


[Agora Image] 2012.78.0636 (91-32-26)

S 1192 ... AMS Horizontal (normal)

[Agora Deposit] D 19:1: Cistern in House H in ΝΝ

Well in the industrial area west of the Areopagus. A flask-shaped cistern in House H with a dumped fill of the late fifth century brought from elsewhere and evidently deposited sometime in the 3rd c. B.C ... Ca. 420-400 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 19:2: Well

Well on the lower west slope of the Areopagus. Tiled well. The tiles were carefully made and clamped together with lead, two clamps at each joint. Several fills but apparently all 2nd c. Material in lowest ... Late 2nd to early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] A 20-21:1: Drain cutting

Early cutting beside Great Drain: 103-111/Λ-ΛΓ (= "Deep cutting" Pit at 107/ΛΑ). Abandonment filling in channel for early drain; the fragment of a red figured bell krater, P 17000, probably to be dated ... Ca. 425-395 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] A-B 21-22:1: Terrace fillings

West Terrace, South End, Layers IV and V. Heavy dumped filling associated with terrace walls at the extreme south end of the excavations in the Areopagus industrial area. The proportion of figured and ... Ca. 420-390 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 20:3: Inhumation of a male

Grave XX in notebook = RSY Grave 16. PD 731-i ... Late 6th. c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 20:4: Inhumation of a male

Grave XXI in notebook = RSY Grave 11. Pottery discarded; late Roman, mostly coarse. PD 731-e ... Ca. 530 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 20:5: Inhumation of a young female

Grave XXV in notebook = RSY Grave 4. PD 731-b ... 750-725 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] B 20:8: Drawshaft

Simple drawshaft ending in flat floor, no passages. Mixed Hellenistic fill to the bottom. Coins: 15 June 1939 #1-#3 No container ... 15 June 1939

[Agora Deposit] B 20:9: Pit

Pits at 95/ΚΑ and 97/ΚΑ, in bottom of Post Sullan drain. Sandy filling in two pits in the bedrock, about 2.00m. apart, at the bottom of the so-called Post-Sullan drain, which replaced the abandoned section ... To ca. 86 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 21:8: Inhumation

Grave XII in notebook = RSY Grave 9 ... Just after the middle of the 6th. c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 21:10: Urn burial of an infant

Grave XV in notebook = RSY Grave 1. Part of a burial jar with bones of 18-month-old child. Position of body not determinable. Foot of jar had been broken to insert body of child and stopped with stones ... Second half of 8th. c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] B 21:12: Inhumation of a child

Grave XVII in notebook = RSY Grave 15. Only lower half of skeleton preserved. Bones discarded? ... Last quarter of the 6th. c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] B 21:13: Grave

Grave XXIII in notebook = RSY Grave 46. Late Hellenistic filling in a disturbed grave, west of Areopagus ... 19 June 1939


[Agora Deposit] B 21:14: Inhumation, probably a female

Grave XXVI in notebook = RSY Grave 12 ... Ca. 525-500 B.C. or sightly later

[Agora Deposit] B 21:15: Pit

Called a Middle Helladic Well in the notebook ... Middle Helladic

[Agora Deposit] B 21:16: Well

Early Roman well with four fills. fill 1: well sealed 1st. c. A.D. fill 2: more bones than pots. fill 3: nothing later than 1st. c. B.C.=POU fill 4: similar to fill 3, a little earlier? Coins: 7 May 1940 ... Early Roman

[Agora Deposit] B 21:24: Well

Well. Construction, use and dumped fillings of the Hellenistic period. Tile-lined well with a packing of jars behind the tiles; the well cut through (Fill 4) the passage of a cistern (B 21:25). At 9.00m ... Hellenistic