[Agora Deposit] G 11:8: Well 8

Well 8 (in Tholos), put out of use by a fall of the rock walls and replaced by well G 11:3. Scanty use filling at and near the bottom, separated by a mass of fallen rock from a debris filling in the upper ... Ca. 550-500 B.C. and 480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 12:1: Urn-burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 1 in notebook. Slightly disturbed by the digging of Pit A. A large oil jar/amphora lay on its side with a flat stone stopping its mouth. The three small vases offered at the burial were found, together ... Ca. 600 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:4: Urn-burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 4 in notebook. Amphora, no other pots but carbonized remains of food offerings. Over urn two stone slabs, on top, mass of small stones containing Late Geometric sherd ... Late Geometric


[Agora Deposit] G 12:5: Urn-Burial of an Infant

Rodney S. Young ... Grave 5 in notebook. The grave had been somewhat disturbed by the digging of Well B. The hydria lay on its side; in it was found the skeleton of a small child lying on its side with the knees drawn up ... Late 8th-early 7th c. B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:8: Inhumation of a Woman

Grave 7b in notebook. Inhumation in Tholos Cemetery; The skeleton positioned directly below the male in Grave 7, but with direction reversed, i.e., head at southeast end. Most grave offerings at lower ... 750-725 B.C.