[Agora Deposit] K 9-10:1: Red Fill West of Odeion

"Red Fill" (extending to bedrock or near, over most of area). Mainly first century after Christ with later disturbance. Coins: 17 April 1936 #10-#13 18 April 1936 #1 20 April 1936 #13-#17 21 April 1936 ... 1st-2nd c. A.D.


[Agora Notebook] Ν-9

Mixed ... R. Wood ... 1601 1798 ... 1952

[Agora Lot] Ν 155: Red Fill

A. Lamps. B. Glass and bone. C. Intrusions and sherds which are pretty. D. Selected pieces.

[Agora Lot] Ν 156: Red Fill

A. Coarse- with one bit of tile; two bits of stone- overflow of B. B. Stone, metal, plaster, tile etc.

[Agora Lot] Ν 157: Red Fill; Amphora Fragments; Overflow from B 156 A

Amphora fragments, overflow from B 156 B ... 1st-3rd A.D.