Hesperia 6 (1937)Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens1937 
Hesperia 65 (1996)Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens1996 
Β-2Mixed1 March 1934-21 March 1934 
Ζ-7Mixed1933, 1934 
Β-2-8 (pp. 203-204)Marble Fragment
Marble Fragments
Capital Fragment: Ionic
1 March 1934
13 March 1934
Ζ-7-85 (pp. 1329-1330)Marble Fragment: Bouleutic List
Relief Fragment with Head of Male Figure
Ceiling Beam Fragments: Painted
PD 2404 (DA 3119)Elevation and section of Ionic capital - fragment of Echinus.1976 
PD 2708 (DA 3157)Ionic capital.February 1995