[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 43 10.2307_147374 10.2307_147375 10.2307_147376 10.2307_147377 10.2307_147378 10.2307_147379 10.2307_147380 10.2307_147453 10.2307_147454 10.2307_147455 10.2307_147456 10.2307_147457 10.2307_147458 ... 1974


[Agora Publication] Ostraka

Lang, L ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The scraps of pottery on which were written the names of candidates for ostracism are one of the most intriguing pieces of evidence for ancient democracy found in the Athenian Agora. This book is a complete ... 1990


[Agora Publication] Socrates in the Agora

Lang, M ... The American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... As far as we know, the 5th-century B.C. Greek philosopher Socrates himself wrote nothing. We discover his thoughts and deeds entirely through the writings of his followers, disciples who accompanied him ... 1978