[Agora Deposit] C 18:4: Construction Fillings

Fillings below the courtyard floor of the Poros Enclosure west of the Areopagus. The lowest layer, over bedrock, is of the archaic period and may have accumulated on the spot before the start of building ... First half of 5th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] C 18:8: Well

Well, neatly stone-curbed to bottom. Diameter 0.70m. The use filling, from about 3.50m to bottom, consisted chiefly of water-jars with a few small vases and some black-figured fragments. Upper filling, ... Use filling of ca. 575-550 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] C 18:11: Early Drain Channel Pit

Ostrakon deposit, sand fill in a shallow channel in bedrock at the bottom of the Great Drain in the valley between the Areopagus and the Hill of Nymphs. This group of ostraka may well come from a single ... Ca. 490-480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] C 19:5: House R Fillings

House R, fill under drain tiles and fillings associated with house K in industrial area, including what was C 19:15, plus C 19:16 and C 19:17. a) House built as dwelling in second half of 5th.c. b) Used ... Ca. 5th and 4th c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 3:1: Pit

Pit with burned debris north of the ancient road leading from the Agora to the Dipylon Gate, probably to be associated with the Persian sack [deposit notebook]. Also includes a similar filling lying over ... Ca. 500-470 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 6:3: Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft

A cave-in not long after the digging of this shaft destroyed its possible usefulness as a well and thereafter it was used as a dump. Two principle periods of such use were noted, and within these several ... Ca. 575-480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 11:3: Well

Well (stone-curbed shaft) near middle of Tholos which served the prior building. Period of Use dated to ca. 500-480(?) B.C., Upper fill dated to ca. 480-470 B.C. or soon after in Agora XXX (a gradual ... Ca. 500-480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 11:5: 'Cellar Cut' inside Tholos. Layer IV.

Exploration over bedrock inside the Tholos; levels of 6th c. B.C ... 6th c. B.C.