[Agora Object] B 1212: Dikast's Ticket

Broken left and right. Preserved letters from an inscription. It was brought in by Elias Kounelakis, former workman. N.W. of Pnyx in earth dumped from some other part of town. Leica ... 19 December 1957

[Agora Object] B 1230: Ballot

Solid hub. No inscription. Mint, room C, S.W. corner under Mill Aqueduct, strosis 2. Leica ... 2 June 1959


[Agora Object] B 1235: Ballot

Solid hub; one end chewed down. Large Γ in relief on one side. In loan to Barcelona (Museum Caixa Forum), 11.02.2014. Well G. Container LXXVIII. 1213 Leica, 82-246 ... 30 June 1959

[Agora Object] B 1260: Tessera

Obverse: Λ Reverse: Worn very smooth, Λ (?) Originally entered as coin no. 6. Catalogued 1963. Context of 1st c. A.D. 2266, 2338 Leica ... 8 April 1949