[Agora Deposit] D 15:1: Well

Well at 115/ΣΤ (all the 5th c. fills of 116/ΣΤ). The lower part of the shaft contained a heavy deposit of pottery and other objects of the late archaic period, both coarse and finer wares; probably a post-Persian ... Ca. 500-480 B.C.-Roman

[Agora Deposit] D 17:10: Well

Well under Poros Building Drain at 62/ΛΣΤ, west of the Areopagus. Digging abandoned at 6.10m due to a collapse of the soft bedrock at the west. Small amount of supplementary filling was added in the upper ... Ca. 520-480 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:5: Unfinished Well, Well G

Found in 13/06/1935. Dumped filling in an unfinished well originally dug only to a depth of 5.50m. Probably a post-Persian cleanup, perhaps in one of the public buildings near the SW corner of the square ... Ca. 520-490 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 15:6: Well F

A well (diameter 1.10m) at the east edge of the valley road leading from the SW corner of the Agora, about 90m SW of the Tholos. The mouth of the well was subsequently covered by the east wall of the Great ... Ca. 500-480 B.C.