
[Agora Object] MC 1303: Turkish Pipe

Two large pieces missing from rim. It is of lily type (rim and bowl are in one; acute angle between axis of bowl and axis of stem socket) with flaring rim and thickened lip and flaring stem socket. On ... 1965


[Agora Object] MC 1304: Turkish Pipe

Rim broken. Round pipe with keel bottom, godrooned bowl, low, slightly flaring rim, and short, thick stem socket. Rim and socket faceted; rim and upper part of bowl ornamented with impressed palmettes ... 29 April 1952


[Agora Object] MC 1305: Turkish Pipe Fragment

Bowl of pipe. All of stem socket and large piece of rim broken away. Inside blackened by use. Bowl with keel bottom, high rim slightly curving to a thickened lip; scoring ornaments bowl; a raised ridge ... 13 February 1937


[Agora Object] MC 1306: Turkish Pipe

Half of rim missing. Plain, slim pipe with nearly right angle between bowl and stem socket. Ridge around stem socket and around rim, with another ridge on bottom and up the front. Incised dotted concentric ... 24-25 February 1938


[Agora Object] MC 1322: Turkish Pipe

Round pipe with no keel. Stamped zigzag pattern on wreath at end of socket; stepped ring termination. Brownish-gray clay, dark gray slip. Catalogued August 1981. Excavation date: 6 December 1931, according ... 6 December 1931


[Agora Object] MC 1323: Turkish Pipe

Rim and stem socket missing. It has a bowl condensed to a disk, set off from rim by a wide, flat band. Keel beneath bowl outlined by two rows of rouletting. Brownish-red clay and slip, burnished. Catalogued ... 6 December 1931


[Agora Object] MC 1324: Turkish Pipe

Lily-shaped pipe with decoration on each side of bowl; stem socket with faceted band around swelling at end, with palmettes in the angles between facets, and each facet scored longitudinally. Reddish yellow ... 1936


[Agora Object] MC 1325: Turkish Pipe

Rim and most of bowl missing. Lily shaped pipe with faceted bowl. Plain stem socket with wide rim, indicated arcs on end. Stamped decoration on facets. Seal on side of socket. Light red clay, red slip ... 1936