[Agora Deposit] M 20:1: Cistern

Cistern on lower northeast slope of the Areopagus. Two Hellenistic fills with late Hellenistic to Roman fill above. Use fill characterized by broken water jars (lower fill); contemporary dump (middle fill); ... Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] N 20:4: Mask Cistern

Dumped fillings thrown in during second quarter of 1st c. B.C. containing mostly debris resulting from Sulla's sack in 86 B.C. Agora XXIX, p. 464: Four fills distinguished during excavations ... but seemingly ... Late 2nd c. and early 1st c. B.C. POU; 110-75 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 11:4: Drawshaft

Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. Objects with context as "cistern 44ΙΓ, mouth of 46/ΙΑ" are listed with D 12:2. The following objects are from "earth", i.e. no context layer: SS 5334, ... Late Hellenistic-Early Roman

[Agora Deposit] D-E 15:1: Great Drain Fillings

Great Drain: fillings in south part of section; Martyrs I, II and III, all layers (essentially no difference in the layers). Pottery sorted and recorded by H.A. Thompson 12 may 1950: "Having gone through ... Second half of 2nd c. B.C.-Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 10:1: Manhole, Channel Mouth 4

Water channel in north part of Section: Channel Mouth 4. Coins: 22 February 1936 #16-#18 24 February 1936 #1-#2 Twenty stamped amphora handles; type 38 lamp; type 56 A lamp; over half of bowls long-petal ... 120-86 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:1: Cistern

Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the ... Use filling of late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C. Accumulative fillings of late 3rd-early 2nd and late 1st c. B.C. Upper dumped filling of 3rd c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] E 15:3: Cistern

Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the ... Late 2nd-early 1st c. B.C.-86 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 15:2: Cistern

A cistern leading to the east of the road leading from the southwest corner of the market square. Filled all at one time, last quarter of 2nd. c. B.C. (nbp. 493). Included are the Hellenistic finds from ... Late 2nd c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] B 13:7: Well on South Slope of Kolonos Agoraios

Well on south slope of Kolonos Agoraios. Stratified deposit. Coins: 8 May 1937 #3 14 May 1937 #1 Coins from dump: 27 May 1937 #2-#9 28 May 1937 #3-#11 Subdivisions: .1=16.00-17.00m. .2=17.00-18.00m. .3=18.00-19.00m ... 3rd. c. B.C.-3rd. c. A.D.

[Agora Deposit] B 18:12: Well

Diameter 0.83m. Water level -4.20m. Tiled well; height of tiles 0.60m. Heavy deposit of pottery throughout; stamped amphora handles, five Knidian; one Rhodian; one Parian. Semi-coarse stamnos; funnel-mouthed ... Ca. 120 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] C 20:2: Koukla Factory and Related Fills

In area West of the Areopagus. Fills with many figurines and molds, possibly from a terracotta factory. Twelve stamped amphora handles; no long-petal bowls; Type 54 A lamp Coins: 31 May 1939 #11 1 June ... Mostly 200-150 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] I 17:5: Drawshaft, Cistern Shaft at 63/ΚΓ

Cistern shaft at 63/ΚΓ. Part of H-I 16-17 system. Contents of 3rd c. disturbed. Part of extensive cistern system, of which one chamber, three drawshafts, and two blind tunnels were excavated (H 16:2, ... 3rd c., disturbed