
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 144, spread 24 (pp. 37 - 38)

37 38 Pg. 37, 6/10/1934, S 1948, FRAGMENT OF MARBLE BASE OF TABLER SUPPORT WITH LIONS' CLAW AT END AND HUNTING SCENE?BEHIND; fragment of sculpture Pg. 37, 6/10/1934, S 1926, fragment of marble relief rabbits' ... 6/10/1934


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 144, spread 37 (pp. 63 - 64)

63 64 Pg. 63, 15/10/1934, S 19349, fragment of marble claw Pg. 63, 15/10/1934, MF 5178, bronge object Pg. 63, 15/10/1934, S 1955, FRAGMENT OF MARBLE ARM; fragments in marble Pg. 63, 15/10/1934, I 1514 ... 15/10/1934