
[Corinth Object] A 1970 85: GEISON BLOCK

Ionic flank geison block. Underside flat, nearly horiztonal, descending to blunt, squared break (Th. 0.012, H. 0.014-0.015). Front face vertical to height of 0.10 from base to drip; above this, projecting ... GEISON BLOCK

[Corinth Object] A 1128: IONIC GEISON BLOCK

ionic geison block with cyma reversa soffit molding. Marble Fragment. Findspot information not found ... ionic geison block with cyma reversa soffit molding.


[Corinth Object] A 590: DORIC RAKING GEISON

1965/28/06 ... DORIC RAKING GEISON


[Corinth Object] A 1996 9: IONIC GEISON WITH DENTILS

Ionic geison with dentils below a plane soffit. The dentils are 0.062 and 0.068 wide and spaced 0.032 and 0.029 apart. Possibly a molding over the dentils. A dowel hole appears at the lower edge of each ... IONIC GEISON WITH DENTILS