Agora Coin: N 41702
Inventory Number:   N 41702
Section Number:   Η-3383
Category:   Coin
Description:   Hoard of silver coins of Maḥmūd I, Osmān III, Muṣṭafa III and Abd ül-Ḥamīd I.
Notes:   GCM 812 Turkish Hoard
Context:   From the bottom of a Turkish(?) refuse pit. Hoard of coins tied up in a cloth bag, still recognizable.
Notebook Page:   729
Weight:   0.04
Metal:   Silver
Date:   13 May 1933
Section:   Η
Grid:   Η:34/ΙΒ
Elevation:   53.30m.
Masl:   53.3m.
Period:   Turkish
Authority:   Maḥmūd I
    Osmān III
    Muṣṭafa III
    Abd ül-Ḥamīd I
Bibliography:   Agora IX, no. 258.
References:   Publication: Agora IX
Notebook: Η-4
Cards and Envelopes (5)