Agora Image: 2012.31.0511 (Section ΒΓ 107)Area XII (South Roman Stoa) from south, after removal of layer 8. At right is later Roman Wall. At top is North Stoa Wall (South Wall of North Stoa). At left is area left as martyra (formally Byzantine Room) with boards of platform for earth-dumping machine.
Archive Number:   2012.31.0511
Title:   Area XII (South Roman Stoa) from south, after removal of layer 8. At right is later Roman Wall. At top is North Stoa Wall (South Wall of North Stoa). At left is area left as martyra (formally Byzantine Room) with boards of platform for earth-dumping machine.
Negative:   Section ΒΓ 107
Date:   17 Jul 1970
Notebook Page:   1132
Rating:   2
Section:   ΒΓ