Agora Image: 2012.52.0830 (XXXVIII-58)Looking from the back wall of the Stoa (visible at extreme left), at a point between Shops II and III. Three column bases of the large Roman Building east of the Stoa, and a long run of its floor are visible in the face of the scarp.
Archive Number:   2012.52.0830
Title:   Looking from the back wall of the Stoa (visible at extreme left), at a point between Shops II and III. Three column bases of the large Roman Building east of the Stoa, and a long run of its floor are visible in the face of the scarp.
Negative:   XXXVIII-58
Looking:   northeast
Date:   14 Jul 1949
Bibliography:   Hesperia 19 (1950), pl. 102, a.
Rating:   2
Section:   ΣΑ
Storage:   Drawer 12
References:   Publication: Hesperia 19 (1950)
Image: 1997.12.0023 (XXXVIII-58)