Agora Image: 2012.52.0835 (XXXVIII-63)Arch of Hadrian. Details of order and of pilaster capitals: Outer antae of lower storey: Stuart and Revett, Antiquities of Athens, III, ch. III, pl. VI.
Archive Number:   2012.52.0835
Title:   Arch of Hadrian. Details of order and of pilaster capitals: Outer antae of lower storey: Stuart and Revett, Antiquities of Athens, III, ch. III, pl. VI.
Negative:   XXXVIII-63
Bibliography:   Hesperia 19 (1950), pl. 74b.
Rating:   2
Storage:   Negative Room, Drawer 18, Sheet 193
References:   Publication: Hesperia 19 (1950)