Agora Image: 2012.58.1247 (87-547)Hephaisteion roof. Isometric sections of a raking and a flank simas and geisa. Drawing by W. B. Dinsmoor, Jr.
Archive Number:   2012.58.1247
Title:   Hephaisteion roof. Isometric sections of a raking and a flank simas and geisa. Drawing by W. B. Dinsmoor, Jr.
Negative:   87-547
PD Number:   PD 1853
Date:   1969
Rating:   2
Section:   ΚΚ
Storage:   Drawer 5
References:   Drawing: PD 1853 (DA 4258)
Drawing: PD 1853 (DA 4259)
Image: 1997.05.0472 (87-547)