Agora Report: 2011 Excavations
Title:   Preliminary Report on the 2011 Excavation Season
Author:   John McK. Camp II
Abstract:   Excavations were carried out in three sections, two of them overlying the Painted Stoa (ΒΗ and ΒΘ) and one in the Panathenaic Way (ΒΓ).
In Section ΒΓ, excavations were concentrated on the Panathenaic Way with the aim to look again at a row of square stone sockets for wooden posts. These post holes had been interpreted as a starting-line for a racetrack. Instead they seem to be part of a temporary roped-off enclosure of which three sides are defined. An area of unexcavated fill was opened up in order to determine the fourth side. The excavated sequence dated from the 1st c. B.C./A.D. to 3rd century B.C. The post holes are excepted to lie a bit lower down in 5th century B.C. fills and should be exposed next season. A second trench in the road was opened to reexamine the hypothesis that the road itself had been used as a race track.
In Section ΒΗ, overlying the east part of the Painted Stoa, a well was dug and over 100 pots were recovered. It seems that the well was part of the latest face of the use of the Stoa in the late Roman period when inner walls were built to create rooms probably used as shops.
In section ΒΘ, overlying the middle part of Painted Stoa, excavation continued in Byzantine levels. Remains of a settlement dating to the 11th and 12th centuries A.D. was uncovered. The building walls contain reused blocks, one of which comes from the Painted Stoa.
Date:   13 Jun-5 Aug 2011
Section:   ΒΗ
PDF:   2011 Excavations.pdf
References:   Report Pages (10)
Images (154)
Object: L 6161
Object: S 3562
Deposit: L 2:2