Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 5667
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 5667
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   dumped fill above surface to S of Wall 6 (5725)
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1101
Context:   5667
Page:   0
Date:   2008/05/28
Lot:   Lot 2008-009
Stratum:   30% inclusions: copious large tile, small angular boulders, copious ceramics, small angular cobbles, small rounded pebbles
Description:   Top slope of the context is level. The soil color is light reddish brown. The soil compaction is firm. The soil is poorly sorted. It is sandy silt.
Notes:   Following the exposure of a layer of well-built cobble fill (context 5604), we changed our focus to southern areas in order to maintain a holistic view of the features we had uncovered directly to the S of wall 5662 (58). Our focus was first directed to a layer of dumped fill that appeared, initially, to rest within the remains of a cut that may have been disturbed by our initial deep pass over the area (5509). We thought that we detected a cut surrounding the S edge of the bothros S of Wall 6, which had been truncated by the bothros. Upon excavating, however, it became apparent that the differentiations and edges we were seeing actually were oriented in different directions- we found one edge oriented southward, toward the edge of the SW corner bothros, and one lying just between the two bothroi, oriented N-S. Both of the cuts are small in size, and their purposes are not currently discernable. Although we have a rough idea of their shapes, we almost definitely do not have their uppermost edges preserved. Actually, for the second pit exposed lying between the two 1960s-excavated bothroi, we may have the upper limits, since the E and W edges were exposed in the removal of the context. We know that the triangular-shaped cut cuts the white surface exposed in the excavation of this context on its E and S limits, and the same appears to be true for the W side, which remained covered over by a layer of dumped fill. To the S, the edge of this cut seems more worn and cannot definitively have been the top.
After defining the edges of the triangular-shaped cut lying between the two bothroi, we decided to switch contexts because the filll seemed finer and had less inclusions. From where the cut begins, about 0.05 m of the top of it was filled with dirt from context 5667.
*post-excavation note, 28.05.08:
We did not recognize at the time of excavation that the layer of dumped fill continues all the way to Wall 4, where it is cut by a foundation trench for Wall 4 and a foundation trench for Wall 6 in the NW corner where the two walls meet. At the time, we thought the fill only continued to the limits of the triangular pit cut. Consequently, when that context of dumped fill is excavated, it should be equated with this one.
Context Pottery:   Cooking ware. triangular rim stew pot (1100-1270), stewpot. 1 rim. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. aegean sgraffito, slipped painted (1240-1260), dish. 1 complete profile. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. glaze painted III, slipped (1160-1200), bowl. 2 rims. 2 bodysherds. (saved to lot) .; Coarseware. b, amphora. 1 handle. 5 bodysherds. ; Coarseware. pitcher. 2 bodysherds. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. fine incised, slipped style V (1170-1200)2 rims. 1 bodysherd. (saved to lot) .; Coarseware. pilgrim flask, flask. 3 bodysherds. (saved to lot) .; Fineware. slipped plain glazed (1100-1300), bowl. 1 rim. (saved to lot) .; Coarseware. pithos. 4 bodysherds. ; Fineware. premedieval8 bodysherds.
Pottery Summary:   36 frag(s) 0.36 kg. (100% saved) fineware.
    200 frag(s) 3 kg. (6% saved) coarseware.
    25 frag(s) 0.26 kg. (8% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   revetment 2
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   mid 13th century
Grid:   263.29-262.04E, 1032.34-1033.71N
XMin:   262.04
XMax:   263.29
YMin:   1032.34
YMax:   1033.71
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.77-84.93m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Sarah Lima (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)