Corinth Basket: Temple E, Southeast, context 444
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Temple E, Southeast, context 444
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Title:   Fill of grave north of Wall 20
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1108
Context:   444
Date:   2014/06/05
Stratum:   30% tile (there is a tile capping within the fill), some large shells, stones, bone, ceramic sherds
Description:   Top slope of the context is level. The soil color is light brownish brown. The soil compaction is soft. The soil is poorly sorted. It is sandy silt.
Notes:   444 comprises the fill of grave (defined by the cut 457) that lies above the tile capping 454. This deposit was cut into a hard-packed surface (Contexts 488 and 495) and was itself cut by the N-S running trench (cut 403) which removed about 2 inches off the top of this deposit. Deposit is just the filling in of the grave and therefore defined by an inclusion-rich deposit - they're not being choosy about this dirt. The cut for the grave was relatively easy to identify (the S edge required a bit more scrapign to get the entirety of the cut). This grave is located at the W end of the corridor N of the church nave. See Excavation notes for Deposit Context 459.
Animal bones, 0.6 kg saved in Bone Lot 2014-17.
Context Pottery:   Fineware. glaze painted IV, slipped (1220-1260), bowl. 1 bodysherd. ; Fineware. frankish incisesd, bowl. 1 bodysherd. ; Fineware. champs, bowl.
Pottery Summary:   98 frag(s) 0.16 kg. (0% saved) fineware.
    278 frag(s) 2.15 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    37 frag(s) 0.2 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   iron slag, 1; glass clear green, bs, 1, rim, 1
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   Late 13th/Early 14th Century
Grid:   124.15-123.07E, 1075.55-1076.05N
XMin:   123.07
XMax:   124.15
YMin:   1075.55
YMax:   1076.05
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.68-84.89m.
References:   Images (5)