Corinth Basket: Temple E, Southeast, context 54
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Temple E, Southeast, context 54
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Context Type:   Skeleton
Title:   Skeleton of Grave 2014-05
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1108
Context:   54
Date:   2014/04/12
Notes:   Context 54 is the skeleton of Grave 2014-05. The fill of the grave is Context 130. The cut is Context 165. The grave is oriented roughly N-S, directly adjacent to wall Context 58 in Unit II Room 6. It is the burial of an infant, perhaps between 9 and 12 months old.
The skull at the N of the grave was revealed after initial cleaning of the room at the beginning of the excavation season. When excavation of the skeleton began, the skull was initially associated with some of the bones of a smaller infant later buried directly above it. This later grave truncated the top of the cut of Grave 2014-05 (Context 165) at the E. After the excavation of this later grave as Grave 2014-01 and the removal of its skeleton (Context 37), the L femur and tibia of skeleton Context 54 were visible directly beneath the skull of skeleton Context 37.
Excavation of the fill as Context 130 revealed that the skeleton was largely intact despite some disturbance by the later burial. The body was supine, with the head held between two tile fragments. The lower arms (R extended at side, L flexed on chest) and lower legs (R flexed slightly, L extended) were not very well articulated, and most of the bones of the hands and feet were not preserved. The skull is well preserved but fragile.
Small red glass beads from a necklace (MF 2014-16) were found near the R shoulder of the skeleton.
Several holes in the skeleton were made by souvlaki sticks in excavation.
Later notes (01.05.14): It was not possible to lift the entire skeleton before the end of the session (April 2014).
Grid:   118.4-118.04E, 1079.45-1080.14N
XMin:   118.04
XMax:   118.4
YMin:   1079.45
YMax:   1080.14
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.28m.
References:   Image: digital 2014 0175
Image: digital 2014 0176
Image: digital 2014 0401