Corinth Object: MF 10730
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 10730
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   10730
Description:   Mouldmade terracotta figurine of standing female figure wearing high and wide, flaring plos with top slanted down towards back. Short curls frame forehead. Narrow, small oblong face, prominent nose, thin, linear depression for mouth. Narrow sloping shoulders. Right arm held tight to side, bent at elbow with forearm held across breast holding round object, not obviously but perhaps a bird. Left arm held tight to side bent at elbow with forearm across belly, and left hand holds round object, cupping it from below. Wears peplos with low curving overfold drooping down on sides, draping down over legs with slightly flaring hem, and pooling over feet. Left foot slants down, resting on ground. Figurine covered in white slip. Back of figurine finished by hand and unmodelled (frontal mould). Similar to KT4-127. Standing Kore with Dove and Fruit Type.
Attributes:   polos bird fruit
Material:   Fine reddish yellow clay with few fine sparkling and rare small tabular angular white inclusions and rare small tabular angular voids
Munsell Color:   Clay: 5YR 7/6 (reddish yellow)
Condition:   Missing parts. Two joining frgts., preserving head, body, and left foot; missing right foot. Entire object heavily cracked and peeling. Heavily worn. White slip preserved throughout.
Manufacture:   F02 F MM
Dimensions Actual:   H. 0.093, W. 0.025, Th. 0.014
Period:   Classical
Chronology:   5th to 4th c. B.C. (Corinth XV.2 Class X)
Area:   Kokkinovrysi
Context:   NB232 B6 P150, LOT 0868
Provenance:   Corinth
Site:   Kokkinovrysi
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Kokkinovrysi
Image: bw 1965 003 10
Basket: NB232 B6 P150