"UserLevel","Redirect","dc-date","dc-publisher","Name","Id","Type","dc-creator","Icon","dc-title","dc-subject","Collection","Chronology","dc-description" "","","1938","","1132","Thompson:Image:1132","Image","Arthur W. Parsons","Thompson:Image:1132::/Thompson/dor_burr_thompson/20070706/1938_00_0001a_pr.jpg::2017::1381","Thera. Cliffs.","","Thompson","","" "","","","","1132","Disjecta:Image:1132","Image","","Disjecta:Image:1132::/Archives/Disjecta membra/20070831/pr1132.jpg::2079::1516","Η Tacha Κοντογιαννάκη με τον Γεώργιο και τον Νίκο Κοντογιαννάκη, τον Πέτρο Βλαστό και τον Ίωνα Δραγούμη.","Tacha Κοντογιαννάκη","Disjecta","","""Στην Ελβετία. Mademsouelle Adela Tacha και George Κοντογιαννάκη Νίκος, Πέτρος Βλαστός και Ίων"". Η φωτογραφία φέρει φθορές." "","","","","slide 1132","Corinth:Image:slide 1132","Image","","Corinth:Image:slide 1132::/Corinth/Photos/slides/1000-1999/sl1132.jpg::1800::1198","","","Corinth","","" "","","1937","","AK 1132","APC:Image:AK 1132","Image","","APC:Image:AK 1132::/Archives/glass_plates/20070503/AK1132_int.jpg::2124::2832","Pottery from Well V, dating to the sixth century B.C. Top row left to right: Fragment of black-figured oinochoe with reserved panel decorated with figures. Only rear part of the horse and left leg of man to right remain. The glaze is mottled red and black, and below the decorated panel is a purple line encircling the vase. Fragment of pitcher with a tongue pattern on the neck. Below are parts of two figures to right, probably sphinxes. Purple is used for the headgear of one figure and the wing of the other. Very careless work. The largest fragment came from a depth of 2-3 m.; but the other pieces were found 5 m. deeper. The discovery of fragments of same vase at greatly varying depths strengthens the conclusion, drawn from the homogeneity of the fill, that the whole well was filled up at one time. Small fragment of black-figured lekythos with rays at the bottom and animal's foot above. Second row left to right: Fragment of large black-figured vase. Part of chariot scene; the hind legs of the horses, the pole and traces, and part of the guard of the chariot are preserved. Between the horses and the chariot the whole space is filled in with black glaze. The horse on the right seems to have been painted white, but the color has disappeared. Purple is used on the pole and on the guard of chariot. The inside is painted dark brown. Fragment from the neck and shoulder of Panathenaic amphora. Of the decoration are preserved a bit of the palmette design on the neck, some of the tongue pattern on the shoulder, and at the lower edge the face of a man to right. At the base of the neck is a raised line. Purple is used for the fillet round the man's hair, for the tongue pattern, and for the narrow lines at the edges of the black band on the shoulder. Fragment of small black-figured skyphos. The lower part is painted black with a reserved band. Above is a decorated frieze, from the figures of which are preservd the lower part of a draped human figure to left and the rear part of a small sphinx, also to left. The inside is covered with black glaze. Third row left to right: Small fragment of large vase preserving one leg and part of the cloak of a figure walking with long strides to the right. The surface is much worn. Fragment of lekythos with a checker pattern and a double row of small leaves on white ground. There are also traces of a purple line at the bottom. Small piece of red-figured cup decorated on the outside. A bell-shaped bud is the only part of the decoration that remains. Relief lines are visible at the stem but not at the edges of the leaf itself. The date of the fragment must be approximately ca. 510 B.C. This fragment and the one below it in this photograph, the only red-figured sherds from the Well V, are valuable for establishing the date of the fill. Fourth row left to right: Black-figured sherd. Above a band with checker pattern is the right foot of a figure to right. Behind are preserved the letters ""---OS"". Below is part of animal's head (?). Fragments of small black-figured skyphos. Below the edge on either side is a pair of sphinxes facing each other. Very careless work. The glaze is red, shifting to dark brown and black. Small sherd of red-figured cup of very thin fabric. The preserved decorations consisting of a spiral and a narrow reserved band are from the inside of the vase.","Pottery","APC","","" "","","","","digital 2011 1132","Corinth:Image:digital 2011 1132","Image","","Corinth:Image:digital 2011 1132::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2011 season photos/2011_1132.jpg::0::0","","","Corinth","","specific view" "","","2010-05-19 10:51:58+03","","digital 2010 1132","Corinth:Image:digital 2010 1132","Image","","Corinth:Image:digital 2010 1132::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2010 season photos/2010_1132.jpg::0::0","Kelcy Sagstetter and Johanna Best","","Corinth","","specific view" "","","2015-06-10 11:14:58+03","","digital 2015 1132","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 1132","Image","Herbst, James","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 1132::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_1132.jpg::1800::1200","Fills in pit N and E of well VII (from E)","","Corinth","","specific view" "","","1905-03-24 00:00:00+02:02:04","","bw 1132","Corinth:Image:bw 1132","Image","","Corinth:Image:bw 1132::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/1000-1999/1132_gp.jpg::1800::1320","North wall of Peribolos apse, stylobate","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Lechaion Road Area","Corinth","","Serial number 10-68"