"dc-title","Id","Chronology","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-subject","Type","dc-description","Icon","Name","dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection" "Agora SW Section K","Corinth:Lot:LOT 2312","","","","","","Lot","Scarp W of wall 23 and N of wall 10; pottery date of mid-13th c. AC","","LOT 2312","","","Corinth" "Agora SW Section K","Corinth:Lot:LOT 2305","","","","","","Lot","Scarp E of wall 23 and N of wall 10 (upper layer); pottery date of mid-13th c. AC","","LOT 2305","","","Corinth" "Agora SW Section K","Corinth:Lot:LOT 2309","","","","","","Lot","Area IV, fill next to wall 23 to el. 83.65; pottery date of 10th to 11th c. AC","","LOT 2309","","","Corinth" "Building Fill over Road; Green on Surface; Disturbed","Agora:Lot:Β' 23","","","","","","Lot","6th-5th c. B.C. lack glaze; black figure; lamp fragments Type II; loom weights; Hellenistic black glaze; painted lagynos fragments; Late Roman ""A"" fragments; some Geometric; some Protoattic.","","Β' 23","","6 April 1935","Agora" "Conglomerate Wall in Room 3; Fill 1","Agora:Lot:Ω 232","Late Roman","","","","From Annotation","Lot","Combed ware; Justinianic fabric; some Late Roman C.; Envelope A; same fill ? 25 May 1938 p. 1081.; Envelope B; latest combed, note flanged rim with wavy line.; Coins; 21 May 1938 #14; 23 May 1938 #1-#2","","Ω 232","","21-23 May 1938","Agora" "","Agora:Lot:Η 38","Late Byzantine; Byzantine","","","","","Lot","a) 12 April 1933, Pit at 18/Δ, Late Byzantine. Coins: #1-#2.; b) 10 March 1933, Η:36-43/Γ-Ζ, below 69. -3.60m. Coins: #43-#45.; 13 March 1933 Coins: #73-#75.; c) 5 April 1933, Η:17-23/ΙΒ-ΙΕ at 59. -3.15 to 3.30, Late Byzantine. Coins: #1-#3.; d) 7 April 1933, Η:28-34/Ι-ΙΔ at 59. -4.10 to 4.50, Byzantine. Coins: #1-#4.","","Η 38","","10 March-12 April 1933","Agora" "LT: Fill between Building N:21 north wall (late 5th c. )and Building M:21-22 south wall (late 4th c.), covering wall 130, earlier north wall of Building N:21; foundation trench","Corinth:Lot:LOT 4457","","","","","","Lot","NB: 1971: combined with lot 4458; Possibly this fill goes with 5th c. wall, cut by Building M:21-22? Is it properly part of that building's foundation trench or earlier fill? Original stratum: LT: Area B: Cut 22:1964, layer 18, +0.23 to -0.17/Pt. L Temp Lot Number: 494","","LOT 4457","","","Corinth" "Well at 14/ΙΣΤ: Lower Fill (bottom); Black Stony Earth","Agora:Lot:Δ 71","Early 4th c. B.C.","","","","From Annotation","Lot","Various.","","Δ 71","","25/4/1932","Agora"