"dc-date","Name","Icon","Chronology","Redirect","dc-subject","Collection","Type","dc-creator","dc-description","dc-title","UserLevel","Id","dc-publisher" "10 June 1939","B 21:11","Agora:Image:1997.20.0345::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0345.tif::652::470","6th. c. B.C.","","","Agora","Deposit","","Grave XVI in notebook = RSY Grave 3.; ; Bones of a young child found inside. Discarded?","Urn burial","","Agora:Deposit:B 21:11","" "23 June 1939","B 20:5","Agora:Image:1997.20.0336::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0336.tif::333::506","750-725 B.C.","","","Agora","Deposit","","Grave XXV in notebook = RSY Grave 4.","Inhumation of a young female","","Agora:Deposit:B 20:5","" "30 January-April 1937","N 19:1","Agora:Image:2010.01.0191::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0191.tif::3073::4302","Second quarter to end of 1st c. B.C.","","","Agora","Deposit","","Dumped filling of late 2nd c. B.C.; Roman Group F, dumped filling of second quarter to end of 1st c. B.C. on the lower northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Diameter at bottom -3.20m","Cistern","","Agora:Deposit:N 19:1","" "August 1957","O 17:5","Agora:Image:2011.04.0310::/Agora/2011/2011.04/2011.04.0310.tif::4614::2304","2nd c. B.C.","","","Agora","Deposit","","Phaidon Street Cistern: North Chamber; ; Sullan destruction debris. One of two chambers connected by tunnel.; ; Two latest coins date to 87/86. Gray ware lamp of first quarter of 1st c. A.D. indicates disturbance. Half of bowls long-petal.","Phaidon Street Cistern: North Chamber","","Agora:Deposit:O 17:5","" "16-19 July 1973","I 5:3","Agora:Image:1997.01.0333::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0333.tif::967::687","Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean","","","Agora","Deposit","Susan I. Rotroff","Burial 3 beneath the floor of the Stoa Basileios. It consisted of a rectangular pit cut into bedrock to a depth of 0.44m, lined on all sides and covered with an admixture of narrow stone slabs of soft limestone, sandstones, and schist, varying in thickness between 0.020 and 0.150m. Most of the cover slabs were small, but the larger, main cover stone measured 0.46mx0.85m; it had collapsed on one side into the grave, but caused virtually no damage to the contents of the tomb. ; Oriented southwest-northeast, the inner dimensions of the tomb measured 1.64m long and 0.43m wide (external dimensions): 1.90m long, 0.65m wide). The floor of the tomb was neatly worked bedrock, although it is clear from the section that bedrock in the immediate vicinity sloped down from west to east.; Adult female inhumation. Woman 35-45 years old, placed on her back in a fully extended position, head to the southwest. The left lower arm lay across the waist; the right arm was bent, with the hand resting on the right shoulder. Skull had rolled slightly onto the left shoulder.","Cist Τomb, Adult Inhumation","","Agora:Deposit:I 5:3","" "19 May 1951","N 7:2","Agora:Image:1997.12.0051::/Agora/1997/1997.12/1997.12.0051.tif::1143::1519","No later than mid-15th c.","","","Agora","Deposit","","Mycenaean grave.; Small pit grave (0.50m by 1.35m by 0.75m deep) containing the skeleton of an infant girl. Although a simple grave with a single interment, the pit was packed with gifts. These consisted of ten vases, among them the beautiful Lily Bowl, which form a fine early group, a necklace, ivory comb and a pin, and a collection of seashells.","Lily Bowl Grave","","Agora:Deposit:N 7:2","" "July-August 1946","A-B 19-20:2","","Late 6th. c. B.C.-1st. c. A.D.","","","Agora","Deposit","","Fillings to either side of the Great Drain, in the southern part of the area west of the Areopagus; various levels, late 6th. and early 5th c. B.C. to Sullan destruction.","Great Drain South in Southern Part of the Area West of the Areopagus","","Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:2","" "","B 13:8.1","","Ca. 250-225 B.C.","","","Agora","Deposit","","The upper, dumped filling seems to have been derived partly from the house associated with the well, and partly from material excavated in lowering the nearby area, as is shown by vase fragments characteristic of sacrificial pyres.","Dump","","Agora:Deposit:B 13:8.1",""