[Agora Deposit] D 17:12: Well

Unfinished well, south of the annex to the Poros Building, west of the Areopagus. The shaft was apparently never used as a well. The lower dumped filling contained a quantity of clean red clay, as if from ... Ca. 350-325 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 19:2: Well

Well on the lower west slope of the Areopagus. Tiled well. The tiles were carefully made and clamped together with lead, two clamps at each joint. Several fills but apparently all 2nd c. Material in lowest ... Late 2nd to early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D-E 8-9:1: Theseion Cisterns A and B (1936)

Two chambers connected by a tunnel, all filled at the same time, but with slight Hellenistic disturbance. Chamber A, to west at 14/ΛΗ, B to east at 14-15/ΛΒ on grid for section RR. Cistern system ca. 20.00m ... Ca. 325-275 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D-E 15:1: Great Drain Fillings

Great Drain: fillings in south part of section; Martyrs I, II and III, all layers (essentially no difference in the layers). Pottery sorted and recorded by H.A. Thompson 12 may 1950: "Having gone through ... Second half of 2nd c. B.C.-Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 2:3: Foundry Pit

"Foundry Pit": N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Stoa, Layer VII, with slag). A foundry pit in the courtyard of a small metalworking establishment outside the Agora to the northwest. Both the courtyard and ... Ca. 375-350 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 3:1: Cistern at 44/Η

Cistern with considerable dumped fill at the north foot of Kolonos Agoraios. It may have been abandoned ca. 295-295 B.C.; it will have been filled by 280 B.C. Multiple vessels share same stamps, and painted ... Ca. 325-250 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 2:1

Foundry pit and shop. Now Deposit E 2:3. Asterisk: F 2:1*

[Agora Deposit] A-B 19-20:1: Great Drain South

Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at ... 4th. c.-86 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] H 12:1: Fill of Early West Branch of Great Drain=Middle Drain

Filling of Middle Drain (Tr. H+F in Section Ζ). Sand and gravel filling of the old course of the west branch of the Great Drain, a large (ca. 1.00m. deep and 1.30m. wide) underground channel in the area ... 150-100 B.C.


[Agora Object] L 2224: Lamp

Pierced side knob; watch-shaped body. Raised base. Scraped groove around filling hole. Wheel made. Rich red glaze all over, except on underside of base. Type IX (clamshell variety) of Corinth collection, ... 6 April 1936


[Agora Object] SS 6127: Stamped Amphora: Koan

Plain amphora; tip and many wall fragments missing; plump body, short neck, massive down-turned lip. Buff clay, yellow on surface; slightly micaceous. Stamp on one handle. Naxian(?). Dim: WxTh of stp ... 31 March-2 April 1936


[Agora Publication] Hellenistic Pottery Athenian and Imported Wheelmade Table Ware and Related Material

Rotroff, S ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... The second of two volumes on the Hellenistic fine ware unearthed in excavations in the Athenian Agora, this book presents the Hellenistic wheelmade table ware and votive vessels found between 1931 and ... 1997


[Agora Object] SS 10709: Stamped Amphora Fragment: Thasian

Narrow neck with mouth and part of rim preserved. Rectangular stamp with urn. Date: see Ag 12* Dim: Drim: outer 0.099, inner 0.07 (VG)* Finished Well; container 8. Θασίων | [ Ἀρισ | τοτέλης] vaseVIII ... Ca. 350-325 B.C.


[Agora Object] SS 10994: Stamped Amphora Fragment: Thasian

Joining fragments preserve upper part of neck and of both handles, all of rim. Stamp on one handle; caduceus(?). Early Thasian. Finished Well; containers 12-13; 4th century B.C. [---] caduceus? Leica ... 17 May 1949