[Corinth Basket] Forum south central, Pit at N-O:21-23: Pit at N-O:21-23

Deposit NB CHM P029*** Lot 1937-036 Pit at N-O:21-23 ... 1937/04/21

[Corinth Basket] NB163 P31

Deposit 163 31 Late medieval fill in I-L:1-10 (area of tower) from +1.20 to +0.70 H-M:11-17 late Medieval fill from +1.20 to +0.50, south of "Tower" complex ... Date at least Frankish, later?

[Corinth Basket] NB163 P34

163 34 V-X:12-14 to stereo ... 1937/04/22

[Corinth Basket] NB163 P39

Deposit 163 39 H-L:18-23 -0.10 to -0.70 m. H-L:18-23 general fill including black ashy layer from -0.10 to -0.70 m ... 1937/04/22

[Corinth Basket] NB167 P345

Deposit 167 345 O-W:34-38, +0.20m O-W:34-38, +0.10m Found with coins 16-25 ... 1937/04/21


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 21 (pp. 24 - 25)

24 25 Pg. 24, Area S : 16-17, 20/4/1937, MF 6521, primitive terra cotta figure with traces of paint Pg. 25, 20/4/1937, C 1937 2308, miniature skyphos Pg. 25, H- K : 1-22, 20/4/1937, C 1937 2304 ... 20/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 22 (pp. 26 - 27)

26 27 Pg. 26, Area S-K : 13-19, 20/4/1937, C 1937 2984 Pg. 27, 21/4/1937, C 1937 2989 ... 20/4/1937, 21/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 23 (pp. 28 - 29)

28 29 Pg. 28, Region of well Q R : 18, 21/4/1937, MF 6585, fragment of leg Pg. 28, Region of well Q R : 18, 21/4/1937, C 1937 2255 Pg. 29, V X : 12 14, 21/4/1937, MF 6589, terra cotta horse with above ... 21/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 24 (pp. 30 - 31)

30 31 Pg. 31, [?] l : 1 10, 21/4/1937, MF 6905, bronge gadget Pg. 31, [?] l : 1 10, 21/4/1937, C 1937 738, INCISED WARE PLATE Pg. 31, [?] l : 1 10, 21/4/1937, C 1937 739, SPATTER WARE PLATE Pg. 31, H M ... 21/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 25 (pp. 32 - 33)

32 33 Pg. 32, H L : 18 24, 21/4/1937, Object, bronge cap Pg. 32, H L : 18 24, 21/4/1937, Object, bronge thimble Pg. 33, PIT 1937 1 N-O : 21-23, 22/4/1934, C 1937 2319, basket sherds ... 21/4/1937, 22/4/1934


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 26 (pp. 34 - 35)

34 35 Pg. 34, V-X : 12-14, 22/4/1934, C 1937 2967 Pg. 34, PIT 1937 1 N-O : 21-23, 22/4/1934, C 1937 2675, large askos Pg. 35, N-Q : 16-18, 22/4/1934, MF 6584, terra cotta loop Pg. 35, PIT 1937 1, 22/4/1937, ... 22/4/1934, 22/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 27 (pp. 36 - 37)

36 37 Pg. 36, 22/4/1937, MF 6577, piece of glass vase Pg. 36, 22/4/1937, MF 6578, piece of glass vase Pg. 37, 22/4/1937, MF 6902, bronge jigger Pg. 37, PIT 1937 1 at N- O: 21-23, 22/4/1937, C 1937 2943 ... 22/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 28 (pp. 38 - 39)

38 39 Pg. 38, 22/4/1937, MF 6587, terra cotta figurine Pg. 38, Area G-K : 24-28, 22/4/1937, C 1937 736, basket sherd Pg. 39, Area H-L : 18-23, 22/4/1937, C 1937 776, SGRAFFITO PLATE Pg. 39, Area H-L : ... 22/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 29 (pp. 40 - 41)

40 41 Pg. 40, 22/4/1937, C 1937 1238, green glazed pitcher ... 22/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 166, spread 93 (pp. 333 - 334)

333 334 Pg. 333, Trench j k : 32 36, 19/4/1937, MF 6893, brongew weight Pg. 333, Trench j k : 32 36, 19/4/1937, C 1937 449, stamped amphora handle Pg. 333, O 34 : u : 43, 19/4/1937, C 1937 723 Pg. 333, ... 19/4/1937, 20/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 166, spread 94 (pp. 335 - 336)

335 336 Pg. 336, Trench d g : 27 30, 20/4/1937, C 1937 1606, sherds Pg. 336, Trench d g : 27 30, 20/4/1937, C 1937 1607, sherds Pg. 336, Trench d g : 27 30, 20/4/1937, MF 6590, fragmnt of terra cotta figurine ... 20/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 166, spread 96 (pp. 339 - 340)

339 340 Pg. 339, O 34 : u : 43, 20/4/1937, C 1937 714, disc mixed Byzantine and Greek Pg. 339, O 34 : u : 43, 20/4/1937, I 2090, white marble Pg. 339, O 34 : u : 43, 20/4/1937, MF 6563, stone button Pg ... 20/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 167, spread 12 (p. 340)

340 Pg. 340, Trench l d : 27 30, 21/4/1937, C 1937 2219 Pg. 340, Trench l d : 27 30, 21/4/1937, C 1937 2220 Pg. 340, Trench l d : 27 30, 21/4/1937, C 1937 2221 Pg. 340, Trench l d : 27 30, 21/4/1937, C ... 21/4/1937


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 167, spread 13 (pp. 341 - 342)

341 342 Pg. 341, Trench from strosis 4, 21/4/1937, C 1937 2954 Pg. 341, Trench from strosis 4, 21/4/1937, C 1937 1196, stamped amphora handle ... 21/4/1937