[Agora Deposit] G-I 11-12: Investigations in the area of the Tholos

Investigations in the area around the Tholos, especially to the east and south of the building, between it and the Great Drain, and not otherwise specified as deposits. This "deposit" has no form. It ... various levels and dates ... G 12


[Agora Deposit] I 5:2: Cist Τomb, Adult Female Inhumation in ΒΓ

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 2. Adult female inhumation. Grave extending under the south retaining wall of the Temenos of the Royal Stoa. It is oriented ne-sw, with head at sw. Grave built of slabs of schist, with packing of ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean ... Susan I. Rotroff

[Agora Deposit] I 4:2: Building Fill in ΒΓ

Fill against back wall foundations of Royal Stoa I/6,9-4/8,14. Dug separately, these many fills contain material which joined horizontally and vertically all along back wall of Royal Stoa. Fill seems to ... 2nd/3rd quarters of 5th c.-420s ... Fill against back wall foundations of Royal Stoa I/6,9-4/8,14. Dug separately, these


[Agora Deposit] I 18:2: Simple Trench Cremation

(Grave XXIX: EG). Rectangular cutting with remains of charred human bones and both burned and unburned pottery fragments. Bones discarded. Rectangular trench cut through earth into bedrock, oriented east-west ... Middle Geometric I ... Hesperia 43 (1974), pp. 359-362, pl. 77, b-e ... Agora XXXVI, Tomb 19, pp. 199-204, figs. 2.116-2.118.